With the upcoming amnesty 3 battle here are a few things we can do to get our ducks in a row...

This is what I Do..

Talk with your neighbors and acquaintances, people in your daily circle and expand it to people in the check out lines, mailman, your mechanic, ETC any sphere of influence you have ....... Tell them we have estimates of 12 to 50 million illegals... If WE let them get amnesty or the Laws, on the books are still not enforced we could have over 100 million people coming over in the next 5 years.. We have 300 million now imagine what 100 million more would do to congestion...

Emphasize that we have laws on the books right now that no one is enforcing...

FOR RIGHT NOW JUST STOP TALKING... Let them absorb what you just said... Change the subject to lighter things... You have just planted a seed....

Then the time is right...

Have phone numbers ready to give to them... Tell them we have laws RIGHT NOW that have been in place to deal with illegals... Just enforce the laws on the books...
Tell them it doesn't make a difference what party is in charge McCain wants open borders and Obama wants Amnesty also.. So it is up to you and me..
Let them know that the person answering the phone is a 13 year old non- paid volunteer...
Be polite and let them know that we have stopped this twice before and are going to stop this again..
Talk positive like you are talking with your favorite grandmother...
AND GIVE THEM the address to this web-site and to the STEIN REPORT...

Tell them to tell the staffer on the other end of the phone when they finally pick it up;
No Amnesty or Federal aid to Illegal Aliens and Enforce the laws on the books... AND THAT IS IT....

Just as important if not More important THINGS NOT TO DO....

DO NOT get wild eyed.... That turns people off...
DO NOT cuss or make any type of negative comments.... That turns people off...
DO NOT drone on about any other things make it short.. Did I say make it short...