Simple enforcement could solve nation's immigration issue

Your views: Letter to the Gainesville (GA) Times newspaper ... 6600.shtml

Enough name calling and finger pointing already! Everyone says they want a comprehensive bill to be passed to stem the flow of illegal immigration. Here is one that will not require building of any fences first or any other form other than making those responsible for the problem pay for the problem.

Any illegal immigrant caught driving in this country without a proper state-issued driver's license or international driver's license shall be jailed for no less than six months; forfeit the vehicle in which they were driving for sale at public auction, with the agency responsible for the seizure retaining the proceeds; and fined $2,400, which shall be used for the purpose of immediate deportation upon release to their country of origin. Any vehicle which has been reported stolen by the owner within 24 hours of the discovery shall be exempted from seizure and sale under power.

If an illegal immigrant has a child while in this country illegally, that child shall not have citizenship granted automatically. The child will be considered to be a citizen of his or her parents' country and afforded the rights thereof.

Anyone knowingly selling any item of worth to an illegal immigrant other than food or clothing shall be fined $1,000 per incident. Anyone knowingly employing an illegal immigrant shall be fined $1,000 per incident. Any company knowingly employing an illegal immigrant shall be fined $1,000 per incident.

Any private individual knowingly supplying an illegal immigrant with false documents for the purpose of securing any public assistance or employment shall be fined $1,000 and remanded to prison for a term of not less than three years per incident. Anyone knowingly supplying an illegal immigrant with shelter shall immediately forfeit such property to be sold at public auction and be fined no less than $1,000. Any financial institution knowingly supplying services to an illegal immigrant shall be fined no less than $1,000 per incident.

For the purpose of this bill, the term "incident" shall constitute per illegal immigrant person per day with the exception of those providing false documentation. For those providing false documentation the term incident shall mean per person. All fines shall be collected by local courts and the proceeds shall be forwarded to the General Operating Fund of the Office of Homeland Security with the express purpose of those funds to be the employment of labor to speed the process of background checks for all visa applicants.

I think that about covers it without building any fences and without resorting to name calling. Comments?

Lee Marchetta

Originally published Wednesday, July 25, 2007