I received this email today from a friend after she returned from work. Apparently there was an ugly encounter over "language" between her and a customer (read on):

"Your mediation is giving me a headache. It's almost as big as the headache I received from the {expletive deleted} at work today who was yelling at me in spanish. I was like, "Well, If you could say it in English..." Oh GOD, don't ever say that to anyone. oh lord god. This other lady started going off about how that was racist, and how if people from my country came here and didn't speak English, I would have to be nice to them. Boy, did that piss off the black lady who was in line. I explained to the lady who accused me of racism that I'm a mexican citizen, and it's not racist to expect one in America to be able to communicate in English. (In so many words) HELLLOOOOOOOO. I explained that if I were to go to France or Germany, I wouldn't yell at someone else for not understanding English. People are stupid."

(name of friend withheld for her privacy)