Secret leaked Libyan document reveals Al-Qaeda ‘brother’ put in control of U.S. Embassy in Tripoli

Posted by The Right Scoop on October 31st, 2012 in Politics | 74 Comments
It would seem that the Obama-backed and Obama-aided take down of Gaddafi by the Libyan rebels left a very connected Al-Qaeda brother in charge of Tripoli and all therein including the US Embassy. You’ll remember this guy’s name from Glenn Beck’s recent video showing how we aided moving weapons from Libya to Syrian rebels. His name is Abdel Hakim Belhaj and he’s the guy Glenn Beck said we worked with to help oust Gaddafi and then worked with to help supply weapons to Syrian rebels.
Here’s the secret memo that’s recently been leaked that shows Abdel Hakim Belhaj being put in charge of Tripoli and the US Embassy:
National Transitional Council – Libya
Code: YGM-270-2011
Mr. Abdel Hakim Al-Khowailidi Belhaj
We would like to inform you that you have been commissioned to the duties and responsibilities of the military committee of the city of Tripoli. These include taking all necessary procedures to secure the safety of the Capital and its citizens, its public and private property, and institutions, to include all international embassies. To coordinate with the local community of the city of Tripoli and the security assembly and defense on a national level.
Mustafa Muhammad Abdul Jalil
President, National Transitional Council – Libya
Official Seal of National Transitional Council
Copy for file.
If you want to see the actual memo you can check it out here.
What’s important to know is that Belhaj is a very well connected man and a ‘brother’ and ally to Al Qaeda. In fact he was one of the founders of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group that has had many dealings with Al Qaeda as well as having some of their members become leaders in Al Qaeda. They also sent fighters into Iraq to fight our American soldiers.
So is this the democracy Obama envisioned when he went to war in Libya to take down Gaddafi? Is this the type of leadership Obama wanted to see put in place in his quest to promote democracy?
It would seem so given the fact that we were working directly with this man, Belhaj, via our Ambassador to Libya.
Go read Walid Shoebat’s full article on this leaked memo and to see more of Belhaj’s Al Qaeda connections
Secret leaked Libyan document reveals Al-Qaeda