since we are always on the lookout for good new pro-enforcement candidates in local elections, I just learned about a new Republican candidate running for the termed out California Assembly seat in District 54 of the Los Angeles area (Long Beach, Carson, San Pedro and Palos Verdes), her name is GABRIELLA HOLT.

this Assembly seat is currently held by the leftist Betty Karnette. she is as open borders as you find. Karnette is thankfully termed out this year.

Gabriella Holt indicates she is a nurse and a mom of 4. I received her mailer regarding her June 3 election primary, and when I saw she invited contact and questions, I emailed her to ask about her position on immigration enforcement and the fence act. I asked her if she supported making life easier or harder in CA for illegal aliens.

I was quite pleased with her response. this is someone we in the South Bay and Long Beach area should get behind. we have the opportunity to replace this longtime democrat seat with a good person. you folks can make up your own mind but this is someone I'll be voting for on June 3 in CA.

Hello Robert,

I completely support making life harder for illegal aliens in California and am in total support of The Secure Fence Act which authorized the 700 mile double fencing to be completed by end of 2008, among other measure to secure our borders.

Illegal immigration in our state is a huge challenge, not to mention the strain it puts on our state dollars. There are so many issues with illegal immigration, most deal with federal jurisdiction. Within the 54th AD in Los Angeles County, I find the following which addresses the "housing" and "sanctuaring" of illegal immigrants which can be dealt with on a state level:

Currently, Fresno, LA, San Francisco, Sonoma County and San Diego are sanctuary cities (such as Special Order 40 recently highlighted with the shooting of Jameil Shaw) that have enacted the "don't ask don't tell" immigration policies - I am absolutely opposed to these actions and resolutions and will push to punish sanctuary cities, particularly if they refuse to assist federal agents in enforcing immigration law. Also, I will push to deport illegal immigrants who have committed crimes and are housed in our prisons and enact state laws that enforce local law enforcement officials to share information regarding illegal immigrants' status, criminal activity, and employment history with the federal agents and federal immigration law enforcement.

Illegal immigrants should not have drivers licenses.

Thank you for your interest in my campaign. Please feel free to call me for any further information @ 310-732-1240

Best regards,