There is absolutely no depth that this women will not sink to in promoting herself and the Socialist Marxist agenda of the Obamanation cartel... Now she is proposing to use the church to help in here amnesty campaign... Get ready to have your stomach turned when you listen to these videos...

Pelosi to Bishops: Use Pulpit to Promote Immigration Reform

Pelosi Calls for Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
Thursday, May 13, 2010
By Nicholas Ballasy, Video Reporter

( -- Speaking at the Asian-American and Pacific Islanders Summit held at the Capitol on Wednesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for amnesty for illegal aliens in the United States, a proposal she called a “path to legalization."

“Hopefully, we will be moving toward comprehensive immigration reform that secures our borders, enforces our laws, protects our workers, honors family unification and has a path to legalization--so that we have certainty in our country and respect for the contributions that newcomers bring to us,â€