Here is a letter posted on the website of Odessa (Texas) America. Take Heed and see how it applies to the problem of Illegal Immigration as well as to most of the other economic and political ills that we are currently facing. Remember this when you vote in November. Don't forget that the May Day marches of Illegal Aliens were openly supported by Socialist and Marxist groups. Again I say: Take Heed!!

Socialism on the move
February 29, 2008 - 3:18PM
S. Morgan | Monahans

I see America moving in the same direction as Europe under the Democratic leadership. And the average American voter is not educated enough to see the tragedy unfold.

The Democratic Party should be called the Socialist Party. In case voters don’t know what a socialist country is, it is a country where the government, rather than the populace, distributes the earnings and the profits of workers and businesses. In simple terms, the productive shares with the non-productive.

In essence that is what the Democratic universal health care plan is as well. A socialist system chokes free enterprise and kills ambition and capitalism, which has set America apart from most of the world up until now.

We have a large population that thinks that their blessings come from Washington and that the government should take care of them from the cradle to their old age.

And now we have an entire generation taught by liberal professors and school teachers to go after entitlements that they believe it is their God-given right as Americans to be entitled to receive more and more gifts from heaven (Washington). They deserve it. They’re counting on the Democrats to give it to them because they promise they will.

They also plan on reversing the tax cuts Bush and the Republicans gave all working Americans, yet we see that a big percentage of Americans supporting tax increases simply by their vote.

Oh, what short memories these Democrats have. The two Democratic presidential candidates never acknowledge we are in a war with terror against an enemy far worse than any we have every fought before in the history of this country.

When the silver-tongued, empty-air Obama was asked about his plan regarding the war on terror, his answer was to bring the troops home and to compromise and negotiate with the radical terrorist countries.

Hillary Clinton promises to wave the white flag of surrender and bring the soldiers home.

It was none other than her husband Bill who cut our military strength, reduced our foreign Intelligence and depleted our ability to seek out foreign enemies. That allowed attacks in this country.

Is it not a president’s No. 1 priority to protect the United States from its enemies?

Not according to the Democratic Party. Its priority is to get control of our earnings and distribute it as it sees fit. Democrats govern on the premise that we are too ignorant to know what’s best for us.

Before people vote, they should do some research on what happened to Europe with the kind of government the liberal Democratic Party is planning for all of us. ... untry.html