I read alot of post on this site and I have not read any posts from members that offer any solution whatsever to the immagration problem. Can somebody give us a realistic anserw to the problem. Here some of my ideas

1. secure the borders no more illegal immagration..period

2. All illegal immagrants who can prove to reside in the country for 10 years or more and have paid taxes and can read and write in english are eligable to become permananent residence. To become a citizen they must follow the process like everybody else.

3.All illegal immagrants who have been here for less than 10 years get a temporary immagrant visa that will allow them to work and pay taxes and at the end of those 10 years if they abide by the laws and worked an where not a burden to the US economy they will be eligable to a permananent residence card but NEVER ALLOWED CITIZENSHIP unless they are married to a citizen.

All Americans must remember why we fought for Texas.
150 years ago American where immigrating to Texas and this immagrants would not swear alligance to SANTA ANA the dictator so he passed a law that made it illegal for foreiners to enter Texas but guess what Americans kept coming by the thousands. Santa Ana frustarated on what was going on he tried to expell all foreigns out the land of Texas but the foreigners from Texas now called Texans said the famous words" hell no F&%K you" so Santa Ana sent a army to Texas and guess what they got their ass kicked in their own land by immagrants .......does that story sound fimiliar well we need to learn from history and must not allow history to repeat itself.
Lets get this issue fixed asap we dont have time to BS about this (MOD EDIT) all this 14 admendment (MOD EDIT) only for slaves you should be ashamed of yourself!!!!!!!! we have bigger problems to worry about like the war in Iraq the CHINESSE and IRANIANS those are the real issues facing America.