Due to a huge Kidney Stone I have been out of the Political Arena for about 3 weeks. Good Drugs and all. I got this email and was wondering if it has merit? Can anyone shed some light on this for me?

During the mid-term elections, desperate Republicans
(perhaps sensing defeat) sought to rally their dwindling base
by boldly announcing to the voting public that they were the
one party to be counted on to secure our borders!
Their message resonated throughout the nation that citizens
would finally be safe and secure because Republicans would see
to it that a double-layer fence would be built. But when the
cameras were off, Republican leadership struck a deal with
others in Congress to de-fund the fence--essentially making sure
it was never built.
In fact, the same day Congress passed the Secure Fence Act
mandating 854 miles of double-layer fencing be built, a plan
was already underway to dismantle it--a plan spearheaded by
Kay Bailey Hutchison, Dennis Hastert, and Bill Frist.
This was nothing more than a political ploy-- nothing
more than empty rhetoric, and you and I were none the wiser.
But it gets worse.
Remember three billion dollars that was supposed to fund the
construction of the double-layered fence?
As of right now, nothing in the current Department of Homeland
Security Appropriations bill specifically funds the double-
layered fence. In fact, DHS has complete discretion of the
fence with no ties to the Secure Fence Act.
And the worst part... Congress will have successfully scammed the
American public when they approve the DHS Appropriations bill
before the end of the year...