State of the Union Continues To Weaken Until Border Is Secured
By Dave Gibson (01/27/07)

Most of the State of the Union speech either bored or amused me. President Bush pushed his failed policies in Iraq, offered a typically confused plan to extend healthcare to more Americans, he even talked about the need for electric 'plug-in' cars, and dragged-out his amnesty for invaders program again which he claims is not amnesty. However, he spoke one sentence which filled me with rage.

While attempting to justify his amnesty for illegals scheme, he claimed that by allowing all of Latin America to work here it would "leave border agents free to chase down drug smugglers, and criminals, and terrorists."

He made that infuriatingly hypocritical statement while the wife of an imprisoned Border Patrol agent sat in the balcony. Monica Ramos attended the speech as a guest of Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA). The wife of Agent Ignacio Ramos is now serving an 11 year sentence for shooting a Mexican drug smuggler.

Shortly after the speech, Monica Ramos gave the following statement to World Net Daily:

"What I saw in the gallery and heard tonight, was a total sell-out of the United States of America to Mexico. I heard President Bush's message loud and clear. All the president has to offer is electronic gadgets. Meanwhile, our borders are wide open to illegal immigrants, criminals, and drug smugglers. God help the honest men and women of the border Patrol who want to do their duty. It's a losing battle - just as my husband, he'll tell you the truth."

She went on to say: "Tell America that President Bush doesn't mean a word of what he says about border security. My husband is in jail for trying to capture a drug smuggler and President Bush wants electronics? My husband is a hero and President Bush is a traitor as far as I'm concerned. Let him tell my children that he wants new 'infrastructure' or 'comprehensive immigration reform' when their dad who wore the Border Patrol badge for years is shackled and in chains for doing his job."

The two wrongly convicted Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean are currently being held in solitary confinement. They sit in 6-by-12 foot cells for 23 hours a day, only being let out an hour to watch television and shower. When visiting with their wives, they are forced to wear chains and shackles upon their hands and feet.

Of course, we all know that Bush does truly not care about the flow of drugs nor about the fact that violent Mexican criminals are streaming across our border daily. If he did, he would prosecute them instead of the Border Patrol agents who pursue them.

Bush can spin his so-called 'guest worker' program all he wants. He can also pretend that he understands the specifics of alternative forms of energy or his own convoluted plan to insure all Americans. However, until he protects this country from the Mexican criminal one cares to hear more of his lies.

With every load of drugs that makes it over our border and anchor baby who is born in our hospitals, this nation grows weaker. With Bush at the helm, each day brings us closer to joining the Third World.

Will next year's speech be called the State of The North American Union?