Now Serving America’s Greatest Threat:
The Triple-Decker Illegal Immigrant Terrorist Shield Sandwich

By Gabriel Garnica

I remember when a good sandwich consisted of cold cuts, cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickles, mayo or mustard and your favorite kind of bread. Nothing hits the spot like a good sandwich and, apparently, nothing threatens our national security, sovereignty, integrity and future like a sandwich as well.

The latter sandwich is nothing less than a triple-decker illegal immigrant terrorist shield sandwich, and you need to go get pen and paper so you can copy down this Leftist recipe.

One Slice of Family and One Slice of Children

We begin our sandwich with a slice of family and a slice of children. Nothing brings a tear to the eye faster than the sight of a loving family torn apart by cruel, heartless racists with a nice, effective image of a crying child who only wants his mama back and, by the way, a chance at an education, health care and Playstation, if you please. We have already seen how illegal immigration defenders paint this issue as an inhuman threat to tear families apart and destroy the lives of innocent children. These two loaves of family and innocent victims make the perfect exterior, outward covering for what really lies inside the sandwich itself.

There is no doubt that illegal immigration divides families and causes great suffering, but those harms are mostly caused by the illegal immigrants themselves since nobody is forcing them to undergo this traumatic path. Newsflash: when you drag your family through an illegal, immoral process, you expose those you love to dangers, risks and really bad people who might abuse or exploit you. The legal path may also be full of injustice, hardships and long waits with possible failure at the end but, hey, teaching your kids to respect laws rather than trample them in your interest is always a better way to go.

Oh, one more thing, the media eats this family/children thing right up, since they would splash the image of an illegal immigrant family being torn apart by INS officials while ignoring the image of an American family being torn apart by a drunken illegal immigrant in an SUV. In fact, we are witnesses to the steady transformation of illegal immigration from unlawful conduct into a noble struggle for basic human rights in which innocent children and teary families are the victims, all thanks to liberals’ direction and the media’s attention. Be sure to read Sher Zieve’s column for a deeper insight into this national dilemma. Illegals Marching Again: Issuing New Demands

Some Human Rights and Nobody is Illegal Baloney

Once you have your family/child setup, you add some baloney in the form of distortions of human rights and human integrity. This depiction of enforcing basic, common sense immigration legislation as some sinister threat to basic human rights fits nicely with liberals’ victimization, martyr and voiceless innocent victims rhetoric. Since the left already depicts any efforts to protect our national interest as a barbaric abuse by capitalist, bloodthirsty fiends, this extension of that menace to humanity spin works rather nicely.

Apparently, in the twisted minds of liberals, daring to demand that people respect laws and other people is too much to ask in the face of people’s automatic right to say “Hey, I’m human, so get off my back and let me do what I want because inside I am basically a good person.â€