Friends of ALIPAC,

We need your immediate national response.

Open Border and Pro Amnesty Rep. Luis Guiterrez is trying to use this very biased Chicago Tribune online poll to support Amnesty.

Please take two minutes to visit this link and vote and please spread this poll to other like minded pro immigration enforcement Americans.

Biased Chicago Tribune Poll where illegals are winning right now. ... orygallery


We need ALIPAC Activists in Colorado and around the nation getting on the phones and sending e-mails to the CO state Senate ASAP!

The illegal aliens and their supporters have won a round by getting an "in-state tuition for illegal aliens" bill out of committee and headed for a full Senate vote.

Here is the latest news...

Here is our Colorado Focus Campaign filled with contact info!

We need the phones ringing off the hook in the CO Senate Asap.

Call, then write your message.

"No taxpayer subsidy for illegal aliens to go to college. Do not replace American students in the limited seats in college with illegal aliens at taxpayer expense. Illegal aliens should not be trained for jobs it is illegal for them to hold. This bill is unfair to American students and legal immigrants."

Ohio ALIPAC supporters are encouraged to contact your state Reps and Senators asap and ask to speak at a committee meeting on Tuesday of next week regarding SB 35. We need people to speak out in favor of SB 35. Several ALIPACers already plan to attend and speak and we need you there to speak or offer crowd support.

The illegal aliens and their supporters are planning on trying to dominate this meeting so we need you in action in Ohio for next Tuesday.

Details at this link...

Let's roll, spread the word, rally our political forces!

Vox populi vox Dei
Ad majorem Dei gloriam