Poster Children for Immigration Control?

D.C. Watson:

Millions predicted it would happen, and now it has. The mass immigration of Muhammad's little warriors into Western society continues to deliver staggering destruction and loss of life.

Those who have promoted multiculturalism are seeing its failure play out right in front of their eyes. Europe, now also known as "Eurabia," is watching its history, its culture, and its security being worn away by unscrupulous immigrant Muslim punks, who have now taken to rioting throughout France and Denmark.

In Paris, during these riots, Islamic maggots, along with their standard protocol of rock throwing, have committed arson, looting, assaults on police, and have taken it upon themselves to douse a handicapped woman with gasoline and set her on fire.,,3 ... 60,00.html

In Denmark, they have made the following remarks: "This land belongs to us", and "the police (has) to stay away. This is our area. We rule this place." ... ts?page=12

That's what it is all about with them, isn't it? "Ruling this place"? Why are they rioting in Denmark? They are rioting in Denmark over a cartoon that they feel disrespects their pedophile cut throat "prophet," Muhammad.

They are not men. They are warped fanatics with no regard for compassion, no knowledge of love, no respect, and no desire to live in peace. They play the race game, claiming to be "oppressed." Perhaps if Muslim immigrants would make an attempt at assimilating into the societies to which they have migrated instead of expecting special privileges because they are Muslims, they would have far less trouble.

If they want to live in a land where "Allah" is everything, then would they not be better off in their homelands?

What more do these bottomfeeders need to inflict on free societies before it is realized that Islam and democracy do not, cannot, and will not mix?

How many more subways need to be bombed?

How many more trains need to be obliterated?

How many more European women have to be gang raped?

How many more critics of Islam have to be brutally murdered?

How many more statues or pictures of pigs have to be covered up?

How many more statues of persons who ran the invading Muslims out of European countries centuries ago have to be removed?

How many more riots have to go off before the citizens of Europe finally understand that Muslim communities in large numbers could result in their demise?

And most importantly, how many more innocent, unsuspecting people have to be killed?

With all due respect to those who continue to befriend these people, or see them as some sort of victims, your throats may be the first ones they slice. Sure, they're peaceful and law abiding. Well, until their population numbers grow, that is. ... nce.riots/

Europe is still filled with strong, decent, respectable people. There was a time when the Brits for example, didn't take any shit from anyone. Now, it appears that at least some of their "leaders" are willing to hand their entire existence over to waddling, extremist Muslim welfare recipients. This really is a pathetic situation to witness.

After reading about these riots, it was disappointing to learn that these out of control Muslims, whose behavior is no better than that of a pack of bare butt baboons, weren't being sent on to their Allah, courtesy of French and Danish citizens. The police are firing rubber bullets at these fools. They might as well holler "trick or treat" at 'em while they're at it.

It is truly disgraceful to see a great continent such as Europe, with such wonderful historical value, unmatchable landscape, and so many good people being overrun by hordes of criminals who cloak themselves in "religion" as they commit crimes against humanity over and over and over again.

Yet, what happens? The leaders of Europe attempt to have "dialogue" with them. For your own sake, Europe, get off your collective ass, straighten your collective spine, and boot these blockhead bigots to the curb. If they cry that they'll be tortured if they are expelled to their homeland, that is their problem. They should have thought about that before coming to your countries and breaking your laws.

Goodness gracious, what has Islam ever done to deserve all of this ridiculous appeasement? Too many still seem to be concerned about offending Muslims.

Know what? It is not all about Muslims. And, it never was. Besides, if you're a non-Muslim, it is likely that you have already offended many of them. The gloves are going to have to hit the ice at some point, and Muslims like these will have to be dealt with appropriately, and overwhelmingly.

If they are offended by Western society, then they should be deported back to whatever third world crap hole they came from. The West has survived without one contribution from Islam. Western infrastructures, Western heritage, and Western people, have succeeded without it. The world is now again watching Muslims show their true colors.

Although many of the mainstream media outlets are for the most part, describing these rioters as "youths" or "teens," instead of Muslim youths or Muslim teens, the fact remains that these riots, and acts of terrorism are the result of mass Muslim immigration into Western nations.

Take one look at some of these Islamic countries. Or, all one has to do is look at the section of the Gaza strip that the Israeli settlers withdrew from. It is now another mess. The Israelis didn't leave it a mess, but it is a mess now.

Europe will sadly suffer the same fate if the Muslim communities are not shown towering force, which is all they truly understand. The failure of multiculturalism is now on the world stage. All the best to the good people of Europe. We are with you, but you're going to have to bury this monster, not have dinner with it.