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  1. #1
    swtncgram's Avatar
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    Hey, Illegal Immigrants, How About Another Day Off?

    Hey, Illegal Immigrants, How About Another Day Off?
    By Doug Wrenn
    May 3, 2006, 22:48

    Just like how parents sometimes let little Junior blow off some steam, we recently let all the idiots and anarchists who have entered our country illegally, usurp our laws, strain our resources, and in general, overstay a welcome that never existed, have their little day of fun in the sun and inane protest to placate them. They never proved their point. The country continued running without them, and for the most part, with little if any impediment, in much the same way that it did when the federal government shut down in the Clinton days. That pretty much proves that we need these invaders about as much as we need our bloated federal bureaucracy. The day of protest didn’t really prove anything significant because the protesters did it wrong.

    Not all of these illegals work; some just occupy time, and waste space, and some are in jail. For the ones who do work, they took a day off. Big deal. If I take a day off from my job, it’s no big catastrophe. I don’t want to hear the drivel of what happens when these vermin take a day off from their jobs. I want to hear what happens if they all leave the country for a day. Now, that would be a day off. Come join me in my fantasy!

    If all the illegal immigrants left for one day, many more legal immigrants, who have complied with our laws, do love our country, do wish to assimilate and contribute and become part of our country, and who have been patiently waiting for many years to get in could finally get in and be rewarded for their decency, loyalty, and perseverance.
    What little taxes illegals pay, for those who pay any, is a drop in the bucket compared to the fiscal demand they place on our infrastructure and entitlements. The burden on all of those strained resources would be lifted for a day.
    The Border Patrol could have an easy day without being shot at for a change. The Minutemen might also be able to go home and spend some time with their families, and enjoy a well-earned respite.
    Violent crime would drastically decrease, and roughly a quarter to a third of the jail and prison cells in our Border States and federal correctional facilities would empty. The public would be safer, the correctional staffs would be less spread thin, and taxpayers would get a break.
    Urban street gangs, now surging with illegal immigrant members would have their ranks decimated.
    Border hospitals could spend more time treating American citizens who are sick and injured, or are having babies, and most of those patients would actually remain in this country and even pay their medical bills after services are rendered, thereby assisting these same medical facilities which are now struggling to remain open and solvent because of the widespread abuse by illegals.
    The increase of infectious diseases once all but eradicated in this country, might have a decreased chance to further spread from the absence of these "undocumented," and medically "unchecked" illegal immigrants.
    Schools might do something really radical, like raise (only) the American flag. Who knows, they might get wild and crazy and even recite the Pledge of Allegiance. What could possibly be next…a silent moment of prayer, perhaps?
    None of us conducting business on the phone will have to waste our precious time pressing "1 for English." Voting ballots may become written only in English, and who knows, maybe even our national anthem, as well.
    Less dangerous and illegal drugs would enter the country, even though Mexican President Vicente Fox intends to make some of them legal on his side of the border soon.
    Less camouflage would be available for "OTM’s," or "Other Than Mexicans," in most cases, illegal aliens from terrorist sponsoring nations. They would then be easier to see, find, apprehend, and preferably, shoot.
    Mexican President Vicente Fox would substantially save in costs for paper and printing, to aid and abet his people in illegally migrating here with written instructions.
    Tunnels would only be for vehicular, not smuggling, traffic.
    The do-gooders who leave food and water in the desert for the illegals, rather than calling the Border Patrol to both render aid and arrest them could now find something actually productive to do with their obvious excess of time. A job might be a good idea.
    The liberal faction of the Catholic Church would either shut up for a day regarding politics, or ramble on about some other non-religious issue that it knows little to nothing about.
    Those under-skilled, under-educated Americans who could not find a job before might actually have an opportunity now. Their unscrupulous employers would even have to pay a reasonably decent wage, and contribute to worker’s compensation, taxes, Social Security, etc.
    Less traffic on the road. No complaints here!
    Less loitering on street corners from "day workers." That will make life easier for the police, as the only people still congregating on the street corners will be drug dealers and other lowlifes, thus making them easier to spot and catch once again.
    Cancel the wall!
    Homeowners would now have recourse, beginning with a name, license, and a real address, for shoddy work done on their homes by contractors. Getting contractors to actually return your phone call, however, will probably remain the "eighth" wonder of the world!
    All that previously given free college tuition assistance and free health care could now go to struggling Americans for a change.
    Those Matricula Consular cards, carried by illegals immigrants from Mexico could now be disregarded, as they should have been all along.
    Less government perks and bennies, less taxes. You do the math.
    Less Spanish speaking people with driver licenses crashing into us on the road because they can’t, and refuse to learn how to read those pesky English traffic control signs when driving.
    John McCain could go find some other liberal cause to make the media love him and bolster his chances for the presidency. Hillary Clinton could actually stop taking and reading polls, and just stick to one stance now, and Teddy Kennedy, "The Liberal Lion Of Less Than Limited Libations," could finally relax and do what he does best, sit, drink, bloat, and shake.
    President G.W. ("Globalist World") Bush’s plan of eventually dissolving the borders between the US, Canada, and Mexico, to abandon US sovereignty, and create a similar governing and trade model as the European Union just might actually fail after all. That would be no minor blessing.
    Less crowded classrooms in schools, and the kids there would actually stay in class, instead of running around in the streets waving foreign flags.
    Fewer crowds on the streets, and less noise.
    The very angry and upset American people can finally calm down, and maybe at some point, actually trust its government again, but let’s go just one step at a time for right now.
    Farmers, ranchers and property owners on or near the border will have less worry about having their property stolen or vandalized, and won’t feel the need to be armed while walking their property lines. Wow! Actually feeling safe and secure on your own private property. What a novel concept!
    Less pollution, in terms of the vast amounts of human waste, and refuse that is now strewn throughout the desert, and destroying our ecology. The environmentalists should have jumped all over this issue, but they like to play nice with the Democrats, and the Democrats want illegals for votes. Priorities, I guess.
    Fewer illegals will be exploited by the smugglers who bring them in (and rape their women), the employers who pay them less, work them like dogs, and tell them to shut up about it, and the radical liberal anarchist groups, who agitate these illegals to protest for a hidden agenda that they naively don’t even know about. If all illegals are back in their own country, they won’t have to fear calling the police if victimized by a crime, because deportation will no longer be a cause for concern. (Not that it really ever was here, but supposedly, they didn’t know that!) For those victims with enough pesos, I hear that the Mexican "Federales" now also gladly accept Visa and MasterCard for their bribes.
    More money earned here will remain and be spent here.
    Mexican President Vicente Fox will actually be more pressured to humanely help his struggling people, rather than to simply shoo them across the border to us, like annoying flies at a picnic. (Why don’t the illegals stay home and protest that policy?)
    Congress can go back to deliberating over far more deep and weighty matters, like voting itself pay-raises and meddling in the misdeeds of professional baseball.
    Much like with the word "is," after the departure of Bill Clinton from office, we will now finally remember the true definition of "amnesty."
    The only people here will be born or naturalized Americans, or legally allowed guests. Thus, we will be one country, under one flag, with one national duty, not a hodgepodge of chaos in multiple languages, with unknown agendas and dubious motives.
    President Bush will go back to speaking only English again, so we will understand what he says, and now always know for certain when he says something stupid. (Clue: wait 5 minutes!)
    The radical groups, which seek to reconquer the southwest US, will be minimized, and substantially weakened. Then those seditious cretins will be especially easier to locate and apprehend.
    Those of us on the right will no longer have to differentiate, in speech, and in writing, between "legal" and "illegal" immigrants. The left never bothers, as ambiguity is it’s favorite tool, so it doesn’t have that burden.
    We could actually have one less federal agency for a day. (Never a bad idea, and always a big tax savings!)
    Immigrants entering our country would be legal, not illegal, and would actually bring something to the table besides a knife and fork. (And a foreign flag, and possibly, an infectious disease!)

    I hate writing out lists. It never seems to fail that I inevitably forget at least one item, and I am sure this occasion will be no exception. But as I smack myself in the forehead, lamenting about what other points I forgot to mention, you will hopefully be reading this, and still getting the gist.

    To all legal immigrants in our country, welcome! To all illegals, you neither impress nor intimidate me. You have suffered no more than many, if not all of your fellow countrymen who came here legally. I have more sympathy for a squashed bug than I have for any of you illegal intruders. Get out. Take your flags with you, and your moronic banners with pithy comments, of which you have little true grasp, and even less concern. Trust me, you’re not a crutch; you’re a leech. You were never invited here, you’re not wanted here, and you have few true rights here, and no cause to demand more. With ignorance and audacity you illegally, and defiantly come here to take what you can get, and then actually expect that you be entitled to more. We owe you nothing. Our Constitution and government has already treated you far better than any illegal immigrant could even hope to imagine in your countries. You had your day off. You failed. A day off from nothing means nothing. Now do us a favor, take many days more off, and don’t end the practice.

    Many of you are not only hurting Americans, but also your fellow countrymen from wherever you hail as well. You don’t care about us, and you don’t even care about them. You have no allegiance or patriotism to any nation, and you have no country. The flags you wave are little more than colorful pieces of empty fabric when wielded in your selfish hands. You only care about you. You are vile, selfish predators. I don’t care about you, and in this country, I am in the majority in that belief. Who would be so naïve to believe that you even wish to become loyal, law abiding American citizens, when you have come here illegally in the first place, and then demand more, without giving back anything? You abandoned your own country, and feel no allegiance to our country. You are transient scum, as bereft of sincere citizenship in any nation, as you are of decency in your hearts.

    Now, enough of this nonsense. Don’t tell me we can’t deport this people. President Eisenhower did it. For starters, cut off all the free perks and bennies. Half these people will deport themselves, just like a stray animal when you stop feeding it. Then start deporting them. For the radicals actively seeking the takeover of the southwest US, arrest them. If found guilty, execute every one of them. Cut them out like the cancer that they are before their intended insurrection ever grows from infancy to adolescence.

    So there you have it. For all the inept rocket scientists, cowardly panderers, and two-faced, double-talking liars of anti-American agendas in our government, who are either clueless for a solution, the guts to carry it out, or the decency and patriotism to want to, now you have an exposed solution, and you can even claim that it was the illegals, themselves, who provided it to you on a silver platter by their own mindless, failed idea. I am only expounding on that "accidentally" provided solution. The illegals took a holiday, and the country kept running. Gee, what a shock. So, why do we "need" them again? ("Wanting" them was never an issue!)

    I am not talking about accidental "illegal" immigrants, who are illegal only because of a bureaucratic paperwork mistake, but are otherwise actively engaged in legitimately attempting to comply with our laws to become American citizens. I am talking about the deliberate invaders. For the invaders, shut them up, shut them out, shut them down, lock them up, and send them home. For those in their minions of a more evil and violent agenda, give them a just trial, and then, if convicted, a just and expeditious execution. Dispatch them like the rabid dogs that they are, and then recall or utter their infamous names no more.

    No, that’s not very nice. I’m not being very nice. That’s no accident. I lost patience for this unnecessary chaos long ago. I don’t want to be nice any more. All I want is my country back, and "nice" just doesn’t cut it any more. "Nice" only works for decent people. In amoral people, it is only interpreted as weakness and license to continue in further self-indulgence and anarchy. Dealing with people is like riding a horse; you have to know when to pull on the reins, and when to loosen up. Now is the time to dig in our spurs!

    There is just reason for laws that restrict and control immigration and define and secure our borders, despite our wanton ignorance of those laws, and disregard for their enforcement. Our infrastructure, economy, public health and safety, etc., all depend on the very delicate balance that has been so upset and is listing dangerously further.

    I am tired of hearing illegals and their advocates droning on about how illegals contribute because they work. A drug dealer, a robber, a burglar, and a scam artist all work, too. So what? Working, like obeying the law, is simply what is expected of civilized, decent people. No one deserves a reward for it, and both ideals are expected, not one instead of the other. Working while breaking the law is not contributing. It’s self-absorbed apathy. Many born and naturalized Americans who would genuinely contribute cannot and are not working because whiny promulgators of self-sympathy, manipulation and deception are working instead. That is not a contribution to our country. It is an obstacle, if not a deduction. Enough of this tripe. No more lofty euphemisms and baseless excuses. I am saying it: "The emperor has no clothes!" It is time for the elephant in the middle of the room to depart, and post-haste!

    Since these illegals now so desire a day off, fine. Give all of them a lifetime of "days off," from here, and to paraphrase the old saying, "Don’t let the door hit them in the backside on the way out!" Then maybe we can finally have some peace, some rest, and some semblance of national sovereignty and security once again. Our prosperity, or our fall, is up to us. Make no mistake about it, that decision can only be "made in America."

  2. #2
    KickEmOut's Avatar
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    I'm not sure I know which side you're on. Are you pro-illegals (per your post under "Humane Reform)?" Or are you anti-illegal as you seem to be on this discussion group? Please make it clear.
    <div>Want some ICE with that cervesa?</div>

  3. #3
    swtncgram's Avatar
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    I'm sorry Kick, I am very much anti no way do I want them here. If I mislead anyone about my stance, I was only giving the pro illegals argument for it, sorry I should have clarified that.

  4. #4
    KickEmOut's Avatar
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    Yeah, OK, I'm new here and haven't had enough experience to know who's doing what and why. I just want to get clear that I'm at the right place with the right people. In my home state, we're already outnumbered by illegals. Those stats they give ... 11 million illegals ... I think that's just for California! They're everywhere. Just trying to make sure I'm not talking to a "spy."
    <div>Want some ICE with that cervesa?</div>

  5. #5
    swtncgram's Avatar
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    No no spy here....but I am a fed up Floridian. Just read in the paper here that they are thinking about publishing the newspaper here in Spanish along with English....lots of editorials on that one. I loved the big protest day, we were able to find a parking place at Walmart...but....there were cops everywhere...on top of that we have a governor who kisses their butts.....emmmm his last name is Bush too, must run in the family.

  6. #6
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    was Georgia - now Arizona

    I grew up in NorCal a few decades ago. Spent a little time around Nevada City and North San Juan back in the 70's. I have family in the Napa Valley. I've heard some real horror stories from them.

    It's a damned shame, too. That country is, or WAS, a very beautiful place.

  7. #7
    saltydog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swtncgram
    No no spy here....but I am a fed up Floridian. Just read in the paper here that they are thinking about publishing the newspaper here in Spanish along with English....lots of editorials on that one. I loved the big protest day, we were able to find a parking place at Walmart...but....there were cops everywhere...on top of that we have a governor who kisses their butts.....emmmm his last name is Bush too, must run in the family.
    Yes I also saw that in the paper about publishing the paper in Spanish. Don't see the point myself.

    Did you know tha the Cinco de Mayo parade in Desoto County was cancelled due to all the protests etc?

    As for Jeb..we don't hear much from him on this subject do we? I think we all know where his loyalties lie.
    What Goes Around Comes Around

  8. #8
    KickEmOut's Avatar
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    Hey PinestrawGuys
    Are you a miner? Yeah, according to the US Census of 2000, this state is in a bad state! And if the stats don't prove it, all anybody has to do is take a look at ANY TOWN in the whole state of CA. I'm so ticked off about it I could spit.
    <div>Want some ICE with that cervesa?</div>

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    was Georgia - now Arizona
    Hey PinestrawGuys Are you a miner?
    Nope, just an old hippie!

    I did do a little panning on the Yuba River while I was there, but as young as I was I was more interested in all the girls skinny-dipping there up from Hwy 49.

  10. #10
    skid's Avatar
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    The local news paper in my area recently published an article which stated we have had less than 3% growth over the last 20 years.

    Talk about B.S. the population has at least doubled, which is why they are now adding a new lane to the freeway in addition to the ones completed last year.

    A "day without immigrants" demonstrated immigrant's contribution to traffic congestion, on 5-1-06 the traffic on our roads and freeways was lighter than it has been in years. Meanwhile billions of dollars are being spent on public works projects to build new roads and widen highways to relieve traffic congestion.

    So I would like to second the request:
    Please give us more days without immigrants
    Democrat or Republican, they are all politicians.

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