Go to any Social Security office in the country. If you are there long enough you will inevitably see the elderly person, led along--perhaps arm in arm--with the young immigrant family. They are not going to be able to have a conversation with you. They haven't been employed in the US at all. They have never paid anything in to the Social Security fund. And if an amnesty passes for illegal aliens, with no change in our family reunification policies, you will see many more of them.

They have come to the US to get in on the Supplemental Security Income benefit. And they are sponsored by their lawfully admitted children who have made promises--often not verified--that they will be providing a certain level of support for them. All thanks to the generosity of US taxpayers.

When our immigration policy changed to a bias of "family reunification" it open the door for such bizarre circumstances which, as more people discover the easily obtained financial benefit, has become more commonplace. One need not be a US citizen to sponsor an elderly mother or father to come to the US and be paid several hundred dollars per month. Lawful Permanent Resident status will work, too.

And what group do you think would be given Lawful Permanent Resident status--and thus able to bring qualified applicants to the US to be awarded sizable monthly SSI payments--if an Amnesty Bill is passed in Congress?

I think you guessed it!

Sen. Patrick Leahy has even introduced a bill that would give LPR status to the foreign, gay partners of US citizens and LPR's. Soon they would be able to be sponsors, too.

The 2009 immigration amnesty bills need to be stopped in the Senate Judiciary Committee NOW! Call against the DREAM Act, the Uniting American Families Act, and comprehensive immigration reform (amnesty) hearings. Please call or write the members: