Dear Friends,

Later this evening I will be flying to Dallas to continue the tour.
Unfortunately it was not possible to put the Oklahoma trip back to back
with Texas so I’m headed back this week. It should be a terrific event in
Dallas (Grand Prairie, to be precise). We have the American Engineering
Association working with Eagle Forum and there has been a good bit of
publicity surrounding it. And, of course, I’ll start the radio in the
morning, including the Mark Davis program which covers an enormous area.

But let me tell you about Oklahoma. In my last update I mentioned I was
on my way to the press conference at the Capital. It was fantastic—there
must have been 10 legislators who joined us and they are as tough on
illegal immigration as Tom Tancredo. They are going to pass an
immigration bill that is so solid—tougher I believe than what we passed in
the House last December! They are worried about Senate passage—they have
the same problem that we face in Washington—but they plan on using this
issue in next November’s election against anyone who is holding up the

I also had two meetings in Oklahoma with activists. Both were to a full
crowd and I know the phones are ringing at their Senator’s offices. These
Americans were so ready to join our team and make the calls!

And the results are in. I mentioned in both the meetings that there was
some concern about their Senator Coburn. He was solid on the border being
secured but we had heard he may support a guest worker plan. The calls
went right into the Senator’s office—I know because his chief of staff
called me. He wanted me to know that Senator Coburn had been
misrepresented by the press (something that happens to the best of us, I
might add.) His position is as follows: First, the border must be
secured. Secondly, all those here illegally must go home. Only when this
country has no illegal aliens living here, will he discuss a guest worker
plan. Not before.

That is a sound position! I may disagree with the Senator that we ever
need a guest worker plan but he is completely with us now. He wants to
see our borders secured NOW, and our laws enforced NOW! Years from now
when illegal immigration is no longer a problem we can all discuss and
debate the need for a guest worker bill.

Well I am off to the airport. I’ll let you know how the Texas leg of this
tour goes—I am so sure it will be another success. Americans everywhere
want to help us! We just need to let enough of them know what they can

Keep the calls going to your Senators—we have less than three weeks before
they begin to deliberate.

Thanks for all your support! I love reading your encouraging e-mails and
so appreciate your contributions to this effort. It is only because of
your support that we have been able to keep the wheels rolling on this
My best,