I went here and wrote to my Senators of my State. Felt good to get it out.

My letter to our Senators. We all need to do that.

April 22, 2006

[recipient address was inserted here]

Dear [recipient name was inserted here],

As your constituent, I'm writing to ask you to please oppose ANY
"immigration bill" that includes ANY "guest worker" amnesty provisions,
and to STAND STRONG and "hold the line" on the Sensenbrenner immigration
bill that has already passed the House of Representatives.

Until the federal government is willing to enforce the immigration laws
that are already on the books, Americans will be highly skeptical of any
additional promises to enforce a new and deeply flawed approach.

If recent history is an accurate guide, this so-called guest worker notion
would only encourage a new wave of illegal aliens and make America's
uncontrolled and unacceptable immigration debacle even worse than it is

Such legislation is a bad idea not only because it creates a transparent
path to amnesty, but also because it would reduce work opportunities,
depress wages, and lower worker protection for Americans. Further, it
would be impossible to administer and even more unlikely to be enforced.

The most important job you have to do right now is to SECURE OUR BORDER
against illegal immigration. Like millions of Americans, I'm sick and
tired of the "inside the beltway" politics on this issue; I will listen to
NO MORE weasel words or slick excuses.

This issue is BLACK OR WHITE - there are NO "shades of gray." We need you
to pass TRUE border security legislation, such as the Sensenbrenner bill
already passed by the House. Please, oppose ANY "immigration bill" that
includes ANY "guest worker" amnesty provisions, and "hold the line" on the
Sensenbrenner immigration bill.

It is true that our country is made up of immigrants. But our ancestors
came here the legal way. They did not sneak across rivers, borders or
through tunnels nor were they smuggled in. They went through the legal
process and became US citizens according to the letter of the law. They
abided by our Constitution (no matter what kind of piece of paper it is)
If it was good enough for our ancestors, it is good enough for ANYONE who
wishes to come to the USA to live. No vote is worth giving our country
away to ILLEGAL ALIENS. We (the American people, WHO BELONG HERE) are
seeing our country being given away for ILLEGAL votes. This is NOT what
our ancestors had in mind when they battled and gave their lives so that
we could be free. I am deeply ashamed of our government for listening to
the voices of the ILLEGAL Aliens instead of listening to the voices of law
abiding, American citizens who belong in this country.

I fly my US Flag proudly, not upside down UNDER another country's flag
that does NOT belong here. ILLEGAL means just that........ILLEGAL. If we,
the LEGAL American citizens, are expected to live by laws that are in
place, then by all means, the ILLEGALS should be made to live by those
SAME laws. I am seeing one set of laws for the LEGALS and another set for
the ILLEGALS. That will start a Civil War. Trust me. Is that what our
government is wanting? If it is, then it won't take much longer to happen.
A lot of people are seeing this very same thing coming down. The ILLEGALS
are here to take over our county. The government might be willing to allow
this to happen, but the LEGAL citizens WON'T. NOT WITHOUT A FIGHT. AND WE
WILL FIGHT FOR OUR COUNTRY, even if we have to do it without our
government's support. Our country means something to us.

I will be watching your vote on this issue very closely. Your vote on this
issue determines my vote during the next election. Whose votes mean more
to our government? Thank you.
