A resolution to declare a state of emergency and place troops on the border has to be generated in the judiciary committee.

We need to focus on a select few Senators to get this rolling. Below is the main office address and numbers as well as the individual Senators who are on that committee.

United States Senate

Committee on the Judiciary

224 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

Phone: (202) 224-5225

Fax: (202) 224-9102

Individual Members of the Judicial Committee

Arlen specter Pennsylvania Chairman

Orin Hatch Utah

Tom Coburn Oklahoma

Sam Brownback Kansas

Lindsey Graham South Carolina

Jeff Sessions Alabama

Mike DeWine Ohio

Jon Kyl Arizona

Charles Grassley Iowa

Patrick Leahy Vermont

Edward Kennedy Massachusetts

Joe Biden Delaware

Herbert Kohl Wisconsin

Dianne Feinstein

Russell Feingold

Charles Schumer

Richard Durbin Illinois