The chairman of the 100-plus-Member Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus and national hero of the immigration sanity movement recently paid high tribute to all of you citizen activists:

"Grassroots activism and support is what gives people like me the ability to influence the immigration debate in Washington.

"The phone calls and faxes of activists help demonstrate the size and influence of our movement.

"My colleagues sometimes ask me to ‘make it stop’ – but I’m not the one sending the faxes. And the truth is I wouldn’t call off the dogs if I could."
----------U.S. Representative Tom Tancredo

Did Tom Tancredo just call all of us "dogs?"

As I prepare to start sending you many special requests for action to play on opportunities raised by the election campaigns, I want to re-emphasize how effective you have been this year with your faxing, phoning and showing up at events.

We are able to track the delivery success rate of every fax you send to a congressional office. We know that nearly all get through.

And we have double-check evidence because so many offices call us to complain about the volume of your faxes. (They call you to find out that NumbersUSA is offering the service that you are using. We don't mind them knowing that we are behind the faxing as long as you make it clear that you approved the message and actually clicked the SEND button, not us.)

We have to keep up the pressure on the congressional offices, not only because elections are coming up, but because Congress will return in mid-November for a lame-duck session. Many U.S. Senators have said they hope to return to pass an amnesty and giant immigration increase -- feeling that it will be another two years before more elections and voters may just forget by then.