September 21, 2013 by Darwin Rockantansky

John Boehner: A Temporary Testicular Transplant on Defunding Obamacare

I know that I am not alone in saying that I was surprised, almost shocked that John Boehner has taken what appears to be such a hard stand on the idea of defunding Obama-Care. I refer to it as a "Temporary Transplant" because I have very little - almost no - confidence that John Boehner will stand his ground.

I have always viewed Whore House Harry Reid as the DSIC's (DSIC -> Dip-Stick-In-Charge) personal "pit bull" and "White Flag" John Boehner as the DSIC's ill-tempered lap dog; always yapping and prancing but willing to roll over and to have his tummy rubbed or crawl into the lap of his master in hopes of receiving a doggie-snack; what is called a "compromise" in the world of politics.

And in light of this recent metamorphosis, I had to ask myself what precipitated this transformation? Could it have been the approximately one million bikers circling the capital on 9/11? Did a million or more Americans, representing every state in the union, riding into town from all points of the compass make a statement that We The People do care what our government is doing to us and that We The People are prepared to act?

I must comment on that event. It was amazing. From concept to execution, the planning and coordination was accomplished in about twenty four days. Sadly, no news outlet allocated as much as thirty seconds to covering this remarkable event; not even the FOX news network; shame on them. For those who have not seen it, there are many impressive videos on the web such as this: 2 Million Bikers Rally Into DC. I do not believe that I have ever been more proud of We The People and those of us in the biker community; those of us who love freedom more than breathing.

Unless "White Flag" Boehner caves in sooner than expected, the government may be "shut down" for a period of time. Really? Imagine yourself going to the nearest railroad crossing and standing on the tracks fully committed to stopping a mile long freight train. I have lived and worked in Washington D.C. for several years. And once or twice a year D.C. will be clobbered with a winter storm. And when that happens, the "government" is basically "shut down"; sometimes for nearly a week at a time. And no one notices. And if one of those winter storms appears during the work day, the government issues an order for all "non-essential" people to go home - and the city empties out and nobody even notices as much as a week later. I have always marveled at that migration and have always wondered: If these are "non-essential people", then what are we paying them for.

I think that given the DSIC's behavior following the sequester that we can expect the DSIC to do his very best to hurt as many people as deeply as he can; inspired actions like closing the White House to visitors while his Darling Disgrace takes hundred million dollar vacations.

I have discussed the Abomination-Care-Act with my good friend and neighbor "The Big Democrat," who happens to be a doctor, on numerous occasions and I find his position most intriguing. Basically, his position is that the good outweighs the bad. In my twisted little mind that equates to: Catching a "light case of AIDS" is acceptable so long as you ignore the inevitable long term death.

The bottom line is that Obama-Care is the absolute epitome of bad legislation and Justice Roberts needs to be tarred and feathered for his "It's just a tax" decision. The Republicans will defund it in the House. The Democrats will not allow that to happen in the senate. His Majesty Lord God Whore House Harry Reid may not even allow the house bill to be considered on the floor of the senate. There may or may not be a "government shutdown," but my bet is that at some point the testicular transplant that Mister Boehner recently experienced will be rejected, and once again he will wave the white flag of surrender and America will settle quietly into its new existence as a socialist state ruled by a politburo of elitists who have exempted themselves, their friends, their families, and their political supporters from this injection of AIDS to a once great society.