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  1. #1
    Truth_7481's Avatar
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    Though the American public is quite aware of destruction of our nation by illegal aliens, there seem to be some who somehow appear to accept "legal" immigration. I show below that immigration, both legal and illegal, are destroying this country. In some ways, legal immigration is actually worse and should be banned also. Here is why:

    1. As foreigners pour in, there is more congestion and urban sprawl, shortages of land, water and food, more pollution, more cultural clashes and more crime. It does not matter if they came here legally or illegally--their impact is the same. Jobs are becoming scarce and wages are falling due to a larger labor pool while home, food and other prices keep rising due to more consumers. The middle class is disappearing. In the last decade, only 10% of the people's wages increases could match rising house costs. Violence and corruption are spreading like wild fire. The 20% real unemployment is caused by an equal percentage of "legal" foreigners in the US. America will soon become a 3rd world country like South Africa and the dark skinned foreigners will start genocide against whites and steal their property and kill the few remaining ones.

    2. The 9/11 hijackers and other terrorists entered the U.S. "legally"; their terrorist attacks led to trillion dollar wars and thousands of lost lives.

    3. The U.S. issues over 6 million LEGAL visas per year, more than the rest of the world combined! It issues more visas each year than any nation ever has, though it is already the 3rd most populous nation on earth (after China and India)! Most foreign born people here today entered this country legally! Many who enter the US legally never return and thus become the illegals.

    4. It is true that legal sounds better, because most Americans are law-abiding. But 90% of the "legal" aliens actually enter illegally, using bogus job offers, phoney marriages and phoney documents. For eg., greedy corporations import cheap foreigners on bogus work visas by lying on H1/Labor Cert. applications while Americans stand in the unemployment line. By law, the U.S. embassies are not supposed to issue tourist visas to people in countries where the tourists do not return; nevertheless, almost 80% of the applicants in India, China, Haiti and other African countries are granted visas. This is on the order of the world's biggest criminal gang, the U.S. government, which is carrying out a 3rd world war against us and destroying America. Our embassies are also totally corrupt and take bribes and issue visas illegally for $100 or less. I have talked to agents in 3rd world countries who brag about being able to get a U.S. for under $100, unlike other nations. Phoney marriages and phoney asylum claims are common tactics. The politicians take bribes disguised as campaign contributions and, in return, increase visa quotas. The alien invasion aided and abetted by our govt. makes it clear that the U.S. govt. is most evil criminal gang in the world!

    5. Though Mexicans just cross the border, most illegal from other countries came here initially as legal aliens and became illegal by overstaying. Thus the biggest cause of illegal immigration is legal immigration.

    6. Legal permanent residents are worse. Though illegal aliens live in the shadows and can find only menial jobs, the legal aliens, on the other hand, are able to get better and more higher paying jobs that would have gone to an American citizen. They are able to sponsor more aliens for temporary visitor visas, which an illegal alien cannot. Many illegals came here to stay with a legal alien who sponsored them and gave them a place to stay; they aliens then become illegals as they never return. Each legal alien attracts and brings about 8-10 illegals, such as friends, maids, etc.

    7. Legal immigrants are able to sponsor their relatives and create more immigration, through a process known as "chain migration." I know of families where 20-30 people were brought here in a few years by one legal alien permanent resident. An illegal is unable to do this. Thus one legal alien is 10+ times worse than an illegal.

    8. Legal immigrants are freely able to get welfare, SSI, social security, while hardly paying into it. This is because many work in lower paying jobs where they pay little, work only a few years, but are able to collect full benefit or fake disability. Once they get it, they can easily go back to their own poor countries and live a rich life on the blood of the American public, thanks to the criminal U.S. govt. According to various studies, aliens cost about 100 Billion per year and their total costs exceeds several trillion dollars. Aliens are bankrupting social security and Medicare. Most aliens, even legal ones, do not have health insurance and use the ER for free primary care. This is bankrupting hospitals and even Medicare and Medicaid.

    That is why when most of us retire, there will never be any money left in social security because the LEGAL aliens have robbed most of the fund.

    For a more detailed discussion, see " Two Sides of the Same Coin" at:

    Therefore, we need to ban all immigration (legal and illegal) and deport at least the illegals. This will slash unemployment and virtually eliminate the US deficit and save our social security. 80% of American voters from both sides are against immigration.

    It is time to join groups such as Numbers USA (, or FAIR,, the Minutemen, etc. and take a stand against the greatest evil ever heaped on our nation. It is also time to amend the constitution to allow national referenda, so the people can pass good laws themselves, since our corrupt evil government won't. For eg.

    The most important law to pass is to ban ALL immigration, and the easy visas that let the whole world in.
    Last edited by Jean; 08-27-2013 at 10:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member roundabout's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Thank You Truth.

    Time to ask why so many come here? If it is just for economic reasons, what kind of citizen will that make? Does assimilation mean anything?

    "The spirit of our times will alter. Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless. They will be forgotten and their rights disregarded. They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and will never think of uniting to effect a due respect for their rights." Thomas Jefferson

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