Hello everyone,

I just recently found your awesome site. My family is frustrated and worried and depressed about the state of our country and it's apparent suicidal tendencies. My husband has a great job and we have a nice home but we are at the point that we may have to give it all up to move to the center of the country. My husband and I thought that maybe we were the only ones out there that felt this way. Then I found Glen Beck. Finally someone that sounded like us! Someone that gets it! We are in Central California. We feel like foreigners in our own state. Everywhere we go we see businesses that fly Mexican Flags and decorate with Mexican colors. We had to remove our children from school and put them into a charter/homeschooling program because the quality of education they were receiving in an over crowded school was pathetic. Not to mention, the way they were picked on and bullied. So one day I sat at my computer and typed in keyword Defend our borders. Your site came up and I began to read. I read for several days. I really honestly wanted to cry. I am so happy that there are so many others that get it. That care. I don't want my beautiful country to become a third world nation but I am afraid that is what is happening. You only have to drive through any California city to see the truth. Never mind, we don't drive through the cities anymore. They are not safe. My poor country. We are being sold out from the top and over run from the bottom. We middle class Americans are overwhelmed and exhausted trying to pay taxes and feed our children.
So, this is my way of saying hello to all of you patriots out there.
Thank God I found you while I still have a voice to speak.
God Bless My America to keep her safe and strong. And to all the Tancredos, Becks, and others out there fighting the good fight, don't believe the polls. There is a silent majority out here that has just about had it and is ready to start speaking our minds and using our pocket books. Apparently money talks..just ask the Bank Of America. But there is strength in numbers.....so here I am adding my voice to yours.
I am a Proud American. I love my country. I am angry about the border patrol men in jail. I am angry about the Mexican truckers. I am angry about the SPP and I am angry that my city looks like Mexico city.
My son is twelve years old. I explained the Amnesty situation to him like this. Say we had a nice home. The people next door has a house that was smaller and not as well cared for so they decided to come into our home and take over. Suppose I were to say to you that from now on the children from this other family are now equal members to those in this family. I will love them as much as I love you and not only that but without your permission, I have given them your toys to use and you have no choice but to share them. Would you think this scenario was fair? Would you feel cheated that your home was taken over by strangers without your permission and your resources were being used and abused by them? So when you appeal to me...Mom, send them home! They are breaking my toys and eating all my snacks and they didn't bring any of their own! I want my room back! I want my things! I would say to you....sorry but they are already here. Even though we don't really want them here, they do a lot of chores and that helps the family out. They are now here. How can we send that many people back? So they will stay. And after they become full fledged members of the family, they will send for their cousins....and someday...we will have to move away and make another home for ourselves because we have been crowded out.....my 12 year old son said..oh mom I wouldn't like that at all! Thats just not fair. No, it isn't fair. And to me it is just as simple as that.
I wrote the White House asking for Amnesty for the border patrol agents and not for illegals. I feel like a whisper lost in the wind. But I can no longer sit silently by while my home is confiscated by those who do not wish to become a part of the family but simply to use the resources of the family and then move on to greener pastures.
I hope you will forgive the rambling post, I won't make a habit of it. But I have been holding in these feeling far too long and I am so grateful to have a place to express them with others who feel the same
God Bless America