I just saw the tail-end of the segment. I guess this is a replay of one of the shows from the week. Anyway, they talked about how illegal immigration is the modern day slave trade, and reittances being, some estimate, the #1 source of revenue for the Mexican economy. Essentially they were saying that Calderon is a slave trader. Trading his slaves to us in exchange for foreign investment and remittances. Did anyone see the whole thing? What did I miss? Beck said he would love to have him on his radio show to discuss this, sanctuary cities, and other immigration matters. Beck also expressed concern at how Tom is going to get his message out for the '08 primary. Sounds to me like Glenn would like to be the outlet for Tom to campaign and speak to the American people. I know many on here have written Glenn and asked him to do exactly this. Looks like our efforts on this front may be paying off. Beck can help us immensley in this regard. Talk radio is the major medium for the current political climate, and for middle-America.