Those who rule
The Power Elite of the West support mass and illegal immigration.
The Elite will say they are following the inevitable path of Globalization and attempting to increase the standard of living of all peoples.
What they are doing: Using mass immigration to reduce the wages of American workers and to displace and disenfranchise any who might oppose them. They strive for a borderless world that they intend to rule as they now do the West. Cheaper labor and more consumers means more $$ for those at the top; it means a broader base to the pyramid. The American standard of living and the U.S. Constitution are not part of their future plans; but rather obstacles.
The Elite control politics through puppet politicians and various Round Table Groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations,the Trilateral Commission and The Institute for International Economics. Other, less well-known places where non-elected officials make official decisions behind closed doors include the meetings of the Bilderbergers, the Bohemian Grove, and many negotiations with foreign nations.
With NAFTA, they consider the merger of the U.S., Mexico and Canada a done deal.
CFR Publication: Building a North American Community.
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. You might not know that you're in this.
Politicians and Parties: Most elected Democrats, and many Republicans, to include George W. Bush, follow these Elite on the issues of mass and illegal immigration.
Other parties, which are not under such direct control of the Elite, support mass and illegal immigration for their own reasons:
The Libertarian Party supports the elimation of all restrictions on immigration, the abolition of border controls and amnesty for all. They oppose welfare for anyone. Libertarian Party Immigration Platform.
The Communist Party, USA, ever seeking inter-racial strife and a disgruntled proletariet, also supports open, unlimited immigration and amnesty. CPUSA on immigration.

Other Direct Beneficiaries
Other than the Elite, there are many direct beneficiaries of a higher population that support mass immigration. The $$ benefits to many are obvious, such as
Lawyers. The American Immigration Lawyers Association, of course, supports mass immigration. The National Lawyer's Guild, which virtually runs AILA, supports open borders through its National Immigration Project. Peter Schey's Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law is actually devoted to immigration, both legal and illegal.

Unions, acting as businesses, now see immigrants as a valuable source of dues. The AFL-CIO endorses mass amnesty for illegal aliens. Many, such as the Service Employees International Union promote mass immigration as a primary activity

The Cheap Labor Lobby. This includes business associations whose particular sector of the economy seeks immigrants who will work for lower wages than Americans.

The Money
The Elite fund their operations through various foundations, tax-exempt foundations, no less. These foundations are usually run by CFR members. These include:
The Ford Foundation
The Carnegie Corporation
The Rockefeller Foundation
The Soros Foundation

Pseudo-Intellectual Think Tanks
A big chunk of the money goes to "independent" think tanks: policy institutes, University depts., etc. The same lackeys serve in Government, on the Round Table Groups, on the Foundations, and in the Think Tanks. The task of the think tanks is to tout the "advantages" of mass immigration and categorically deny any arguments against it.
They preach the Religion of Globalism, to include open borders.
One of their key precepts is the notion that our strength as a nation comes from multi-cultural diversity. The obvious interpretation of this concept would be the eclectic enrichment of the individual or a culture through knowledge of other cultures. But proponents of mass immigration twist this concept into requiring that large populations practicing extant cultures be imported.
Their bizarre interpretation of curtural relativism dictates that all cultures are equal. Our Civilization is held equal to any primitive, barbaric, xenophobic, misogynistic culture. The once popular teaching that our values, our institutions, represent the highwater mark of Civilization is now dismissed as mere ethnocentrism. Think tanks include:
The Americas Society
Inter-American Dialogue
The National Immigration Forum
The Migration Policy Institute, formerly The International Migration Policy Program of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
The Cato Institute is a Libertarian Think Tank

There are, of course, many groups who claim to support mass and illegal immigration out of the kindness of their hearts. We don't know to what extent these people are for real, or to what extent they are pawns of forces with less noble causes. A good way of finding out is by checking their funding. These groups include organized religion and faith-based, community, and family organizations.

The Immigrants and Their Nations of Origin
Nations Many nations that are sources of immigration push for mass immigration. Some, such as Mexico, overtly push for illegal immigration as well. Benefits to the nations include remittances, a safety valve for the unemployable, and the ability to push a nation's self-interests.
Immigration here becomes the subject of negotiations between nations rather than a decision of the American People.
Foreign proponents of immigration will interpret our decision to have fewer children as creating an aging population which needs to be replaced by their ever-booming population.

The immigrants, themselves have their motivations to come. Usually it is to financially better themselves.
Political groups claiming to represent the immigrants and hyphenated-Americans lobby for the entry of more of their race or their countrymen to increase their political power in this country. Many of these openly support illegal immigration. Many of the group's follow the ACLU in attempting to make enforcement of our immigration laws a "civil rights" issue. Extremism here leads to the "Constitutional rights" of illegal aliens; although the only part of the Constitution that directly addresses illegal aliens is Article 4, Section 4.

Race politics are, of course played into the immigration issue. Any attempt at reducing immigration levels is construed as racism by pro-mass immigration lobbyists. Groups posing as legitimate racism watchdogs, such as the SPLC, irresponsibly label immigration reduction activists as "Anti-Immigration" or even "Hate" Groups. I.e. "If you don't want to be replaced through overpopulation by another people then you are a racist." This wreckless labeling endangers the lives and well being of all immigration activists, most of whom have joined for the clearly stated objective of the group.
Since mass-immigration is the illogical side of the argument, it would make better sense to question the motives of those who support it.

Political groups that lobby for mass immigration include religious and ethnoracial identity groups, such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations. CAIR lobbies against any type of border security, especially actions directed at Islamic peoples due to the friction between the U.S. and the Islamic world. CAIR hopes to one day make the U.S. an Islamic nation.
Less amusing are the strongest political groups that lobby for mass immigration. These are, of course, supporters of mass immigration from Latin America, particularly Mexico. LULAC, MALDEF, and La Raza are the best known of these. MALDEF and La Raza were both founded by and are partly funded by the Ford Foundation. MALDEF and La Raza are also heavily funded/bribed by other CFR-run foundations, especially the Carnegie Corporation and the Rockefeller Foundation. La Raza receives millions in federal grants, fees and contracts.

"Changing Demographics" has become the PC buzzword for genocide.
Foreign Governments, and racial/ethnic lobbying groups will overtly work for Civil Rights, mass immigration and illegal immigration. They will covertly work toward the dispacement of the American People, particularly, toward the Hispanic Reconquista.

Taken broadly, the Reconquista is the displacement of the U.S. population by Hispanic peoples. This is the inevitable outcome of the present wave of mass immigration. It is totally Politically Correct for other, open Reconquista groups to state their overt purpose: being the more narrow definition of Reconquista: Invasion and Conquest of the areas of the U.S. that were formerly part of Mexico.
The Hispanic Reconquista claims the U.S. Southwest for Mexico, or declares it the independent state of Aztlan. The U.S. Southwest was part of Spanish claims to the New World and thence part of Mexico for about 30 years until ceded to the U.S. in conclusion of the Mexican-American War. At that time, about 2% of Mexico's population lived in the area. In the following 150 years the U.S. turned the Southwest into the most desirable part of the greatest country that ever existed. Although the Pre-Columbian Mexica did not inhabit the U.S. Southwest, they refer to it as Aztlan, the mythical homeland of the Aztecs. They also extend their identity to Native Americans and claim the whole U.S.
The "student's union”, MEChA openly preaches Reconquista and genocide. They are funded from school student activity funds which are mostly funded by taxpayers. Check out the El Plan De Aztlan common to all cells, there’s probably one near you. Here’s one at Stanford.
Hector Carreon’s anti-American and anti-Semitic Le Voz de Aztlan is run by those who claim to be the provisional government of Aztlan. On that site you'll find a lot of solidarity with the so called "Palestinians". Why? They 're beginning to refer to the U.S. Southwest as the “Occupied Territories”.
It’s also totally PC for these groups to brutally attack immigration reform demonstrations, often as police look on: Attack on Americans, July 4, 2000
An aging population that decided to have fewer children is experiencing mass immigration from a population of extremely high birth rate; a culture that blames all its misfortunes on those aging Americans.

The Consequences
Turning our great nation into an overpopulated third world nation will, of course, destroy our very way of life. Overpopulation will reduce most of the nation to poverty. We will no longer be able to feed this country, much less than to provide the aid to other countries that we now do. Increasing population while reducing farmland has definitively predictable results. Those that believe otherwise think that technology or God will save us. Neither technology, nor God are saving the millions that live in poverty today.
We already have problems with pollution, urban sprawl, and scarcity of resources that will be magnified by overpopulation. We are already having our wages depressed and our unions whittled away by mass immigration and by worker visa programs said to compensate for phony shortages of Americans in certain fields. We are already engaged in continual warfare to maintain our flow of oil. What will happen when this need doubles, triples? Will we fight wars for other resources that will soon become scarce?
Add to these factors Balkanization, the division of our country into disputing factions based on language or culture. This is already occurring. The idea of America as a melting pot is being replaced by adversity. The idea that immigrants should embrace aspects of our culture or even learn our language is rejected as ethnocentrism or racism. Mass immigration is now creating countries within a country. In fact, the majority of mass immigration is coming from countries that reject our culture, hate us, and seek revenge against us or our allies.
The remainder of the world will also be affected as our principles and alliances shift. Our dream of maintaining a sustainable, decent standard of living in a free society will be lost. We will not be an economic example for the world, and our "foreign policy" will continue to be based upon the acquisition of resources rather than on principle.
Worst Case Scenario: The worst-case scenario is that an era of Dark Ages will ensue, where the progress of Civilization is halted and turned back. Dark Ages usually follow periods of mass migration. As they did after the Barbarian Invasions of the Roman Empire, the Dorian Invasions of Greece, the Kassite Invasion of Babylon, the Hyksos Invasion of Egypt, the Gutian Invasion of Akkad, etc., etc.
Many nations have survived defeat on the battlefield by another sedentary rival state; but have fallen to decade after decade of incursions by nomadic peoples.

As far as the Fall of Rome goes, the granting of amnesties can be equated to the settlement of invading groups by Rome as “Foederati". Bin Laden's raid can be likened to the Visigothic sack of Rome in 410, after which everyone who was anyone sacked Rome. The ostracizing of Congressman Tom Tancredo by the Bush administration can be equated to the murder of Flavius Aetius by Valentinian III, after which the Western Empire soon crumbled.
Aetius was know as "The Last Roman"; perhaps Mr. Tancredo will be remembered as "The Last American". ... NIc8w3CpIg