The Chicken-Littles claim that crops don’t get tended and they rot in the fields because farmers can’t find enough labor supply.

Google the phrase: crops rotting in fields. Of the 324,000 hits I got, many indicated that any impacts to farmers were not because there wasn’t available labor, it was because many of them had employed unsecure illegal labor which at times, is disrupted by spot enforcement efforts. Additionally, the transitory nature of illegal immigrants also creates unpredictable labor ‘voids’. They will go wherever the pay is better, if only minimally. As soon as they notice the construction industry pays more and even the service and landscaping industries, as well…there they go. Hence, farmers create their own disruptions to labor supply by employing illegal immigrants. So, it appears that it's not that farmers can't find enough workers, it's that the workers they choose are likely selected because they have no documentation, are easily exploitable and can be paid a lower wage.

Here’s just two links from the google search, which indicate the labor shortage just doesn’t exist:

Send it to Feinstein and Craig. Perhaps there’s a chance even a libidiot can be educated and see reality.