In addition to Sen. Obama's "Global Poverty Act of 2007", Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-5) introduced on 04/13/08 H.Res. 1078:

"Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that a Global Marshall Plan holds the potential to demonstrate the committment of the United States to PEACE and PROSPERITY (caps mine)."

While legally non-binding, every foreign power on earth, including the United Nations, would move quickly to hold us in real terms to such a statement. Note that the phrase "Peace and Prosperity" is the same one used to justify formation of the "Security and Prosperity Partnership" among the U.S., Mexico, and Canada. Sen. McCain, a strong supporter of free trade and open borders, has used this phrase often in his campaign. Never mind that more "open borders" under NAFTA, the forerunner of the SPP, seems only to have racketed up the violence of the drug wars in Mexico by allowing those who smuggle drugs into our country and guns into theirs to pass over the border more easily without being stopped.