Last Saturday at the big public downtown library in Dallas, TX, there was a seminar held by the local Catholic Charities group in English AND Spanish about immigration. The info on the bulletin said that this was an attempt to "outreach" to our Spanish community. Well, the linguistic catering was BAD enough, but something else on the bulletin was WORSE! Among the items for "discussion" on this agenda was FAMILY VISAS! Well, if there is ANYTHING that I AM against, it's yet MORE family visas! The most common rebuke against opposition to family visas, of course, is the emotional ploy to "think of the CHILDREN!" Well, I AM thinking of the children, OUR children, AMERICAN children! As a teacher, my Brazilian friend has seen FIRSTHAND how NON-English-speaking (the VAST majority of them!) ILLEGAL alien children DRAG down AMERICAN and LEGAL resident children in school! NOT to mention the FREE lunches and other such entitlements supposed to be ONLY for American and legal resident kids! The illegals' OWN countries are RESPONSIBLE for them, INCLUDING their CHILDREN!