Three Misdemeanors? No Problem!

The most deliberative body in the world. An august gathering of learned thinkers dedicated to doing the important business of a free and independent people.

Our US Senate been so described from time to time.

Now, with the future of American civilization itself at stake, these 100 sanctimonious bags of alcohol-blasted hot air seem to be making headway on comprehensive immigration reform.

Otherwise known as unconditional surrender to Mexico!

Here's the deal: Mexico gives America 20 million uneducated, illiterate outlaw peasants, fondly known as illegal aliens.

In return, GW Bush agrees to quit claim deed California, New Mexico and Arizona to Vicente Fox.

When you consider that the states named are mostly Hispanic anyway, and governed by liberal Democrats, its not that bad of a deal! Really.

Wait until Vicente Fox realizes that most of the 20 million he thought he had dumped are once again his Day Care nightmare.

Still, the Senate did achieve some good. For example, illegal aliens may be considered for US citizenship provided they have no felony convictions. Three misdemeanors also disqualify one.

Let's see: Breaking, Entering and Staying.....That's three!

How does one go about charging twenty million outlaws with three misdemeanors each in one fell swoop?