"ObamaCare Sound & Fury: Name-Shaming & Blame-Gaming"

Arsonists, anarchists, hostage takers, terrorists and, of course, racists - greetings from the studios of LibertyNEWS TV.

Seems like ancient history, those olden days when self-righteous Democrats were calling for a more civil discourse in our political debates…when Obama, the uniter, chided us for being too divisive, too contentious and confrontational. Times long gone by, friends, as now - now conservatives and constitutionalists who are fighting the fraud, the disaster, the train wreck that is ObamaCare - now we are the worst of the worst, particularly because, Obama says, we're messing with him. And how dare anyone mess with The Obama?

Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader, says Republican demands to defund ObamaCare amount to "legislative arson". We're arsonists who want to burn the thing down. Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, says ObamaCare supporters are not going to "bow to Tea Party anarchists". Reid must've done market research on that word, "anarchists", as he's used it repeatedly in describing the we-hate-all-government-and want-to destroy-it Tea Party.

The President himself says anti-ObamaCare obstructionists want to hold the economy "hostage". Talking as though the defunders are terrorists, Obama insists there will be no negotiating over funding the federal government - no negotiating - it's Obama's way or the highway; as the President claims of his opponents, "They're focused on how to mess with me." Me, me me! It's all about Obama, all about the anti-ObamaCare folks messing with a man they detest because of his skin color.

Meantime - and given those kinds of comments, it really is "mean" time - the broken promises and bad news about ObamaCare continue to pile up like so much stinking garbage. News about lower public approval for ObamaCare, skyrocketing insurance premiums, more businesses cutting back coverage for their employees, the health care cost curve bending upwards - all despite Obama's repeated claims to the contrary. Deny, deny, deny is the desperate mantra of Democrats who keep trying to paint a smiley face on an increasingly bleak picture.

Meantime in Republican ranks - and given the nature of venomous infighting in the GOP, "mean" time is also appropriate - the Senate continues to be a backbiting and budget-fighting battleground. Senators Cruz and Lee trying to build a coalition to stand strong for defunding ObamaCare, while reports circulate that their GOP colleagues McConnell and Cornyn are working against them, at least behind the scenes.

And while the political fur flies on Capitol Hill, one has to wonder if the White House realizes the public is skeptical about and tired of hearing from the President on how great ObamaCare really is. In the face of all the negative news, is this Obama leeriness and weariness why Bubba is being enlisted to pitch the plan? The current President, Barack Obama, joins the former President, Bill Clinton, at the Clinton Global Initiative for a big to-do to try to convince us that O-care really is that pot of progressive gold at the end of the liberal rainbow.

Ironic, because it's been 20 years, almost to the day, when Bill Clinton himself tried to sell HillaryCare to the American people. But of course that failed, because even though the labels hadn't been applied yet, opponents were terrorists, arsonists and anarchists…yes, even racists, as Bill Clinton was famously called America's first "black" President.
