I am totally disgusted with the governor my state ... I have been in contact with the governor's office for almost a year.

I had a meeting scheduled in September but it was cancelled due to Katrina but I finally got a meeting scheduled in March. I met with a member of the governor's staff and proposed 'comprehensive' immigration reform that would NOT grant amnesty or guest worker programs of any kind. I have talked with various members of the governor's staff since that time that had to review my request and were responsible to 'brief' the governor.

Thinking our governor might be fed up with illegals taking to the streets of America I called the capitol again today to see if my proposal was being considered. I was told it was not.

We have a clear difference of opinion .. I do not believe these illegals have ANY RIGHTS and they don't have the RIGHT to protest in OUR streets, the Constitution and the 'Bill of Rights' are the rights of the citizens and the states.

This is an election year and at this time the governor is ahead in the polls so I guess they don't want to 'make waves.'

But I was told Alabama is the leader in the fight against illegals -- I don't think so.

Anyway, I wanted to know if the governor of Mississippi or Tennessee might have a spine and reject the argument that enforcement of immigration law is the 'exclusive province' of federal government. This is a state's rights issue plains and simple.

I know the Governor Sonny Perdue of Georgia signed a bill that would allow state and local law enforcement to detain arrestees for federal immigration law violations -- this is in line with my proposal, but it is only the tip of the iceberg. I would love to meet with Governor Perdue if he is willing to take a stand for the citizens and the states.

any ideas?