What is going on with FOX NEWS? It seems to me they are trying to resurrect George W Bush as though he is some kind of a hero or something. It doesn't help knowing that Laura Bush is a major liberal now. She is pro-abortion, and for gay rights.

For crying out loud, Bush is the one who kept Ramos and Compean in prison, even though he knew they were railroaded.

Bush and the other Republicans, with the exception of a very few, were for full blown amnesty, and we fought against them for our very lives!

John Boehner is baaaaaaack. ...look... Isn't he just a RINO aka 'good old boy' of the GOP?

And why is Sarah Palin such a hero to the right, when she stands in full support of John McCain's 'a path to citizenship?'

And why is Chaney's lesbian daughter holding such a respected place in the Republican camp?

It is as if the Tea Party won the Republican party back and now the RINOs are crawling back out from under their rocks and claiming victory!

Sadly, we have no choice, we are dependant on the Republican party. So the RINOs are now in charge of Congress and gaining power on the backs of the Tea Party. I sure hope we NEVER forget what the Republican party did to us in the past and let our guard down.