So-called "Training" Courses Waste Agents' Time

Don't they care about our environment?

11-24-11 While Border Patrol agents spend hours and hours taking sensitivity training and being made into mini-environmentalists, illegal aliens continue to burn thousands of acres and trash huge swaths of public and private lands. Border Patrol agents have known this for many years. We know this is shocking, but they don't care about our land, our environment, our "cultural" preservation, or our laws. And why should they? While the Obama Administration and some Republican candidates like Newt Gingrich pander to them and encourage them to keep violating our immigration laws with promises of amnesty, why should they respect any of our laws?

We anxiously await new mandatory DHS and CBP training courses blaming Border Patrol agents for these fires. We are hopeful that El Centro sector can send some of their "singers" to our sector so they can entertain the illegal aliens around their campfires and make them feel more at home.

Read more about illegal aliens starting fires here.

Singers Needed in El Centro Sector

This could be you, if you play your cards right.

11-23-11 Tired of patrol work? Want to be an international singing sensation instead? El Centro Sector wants you. DHS and CBP continue to detail more and more field agents to jobs that have nothing to do with patrolling the border, arresting criminals, or directly supporting the field agents who are doing the job nobody seems to want to do anymore.

Read more on how to apply for the collateral duty of "singer" here.

So-called "Training" Courses Waste Agents' Time

You are tracking a group of illegal aliens through the Sonoran Desert and their tracks lead to this home. What do you do? A) Call for a snowmobile to forcibly penetrate the guard tower, B) Put a heavy jacket on, C) Scan the area for penguins and notify the Forest Service of a possible endangered species sighting, or C) all of the above?

11/16/11 CBP is forcing agents to endure an ever-increasing number of online training courses. Agents now spend many hours every year scrolling through mandatory courses that often have little to do with their jobs. Consider the CBP Environmental and Cultural Awareness training course. This feel-good course is very time consuming. Agents in southern Arizona are forced to learn about animals and terrain in parts of the country they will never encounter on the job. The online learning programs are so full of glitches that agents often must scroll through the entire course multiple times, clicking on every meaningless "link" in the program and waiting for the links to load, just to get "credit" for having taken it. Supervisors are pressured to make sure every agent takes the courses. Thousands of man hours are wasted on these courses. They keep coming at a feverish pace, with no letup in sight. This is classic government CYA.

Somebody please explain why agents who work in the desert have to be trained on forest trails, terrain and animals in parts of the country you have to read a National Geographic magazine to ever see. Learning about a threatened "Canada lynx" or an aquatic turtle nesting on sandy beaches hardly seems useful in the deserts of Arizona. Being asked questions like what a helicopter pilot should do about "warning lights" in his helicopter while flying over a "wilderness area" seems foolish for ground agents. Learning about "Sensor Response in the Northern Forest" of Minnesota seems a little strange for agents in Arizona. Who knows, maybe we just don't understand the "big picture".