Lets hear it for Dunkin Donuts! The have volunteered to use the basic pilot program!!!!!!!!!! Call their headquarters and thank them!

Dear Friend,
First, let me implore you to call every Senator you can this week. The
vote to legalize and massively increase the invasion into this country is
coming in the next 7 days!!

Action this week in the Senate is not to be believed. It is as outrageous
as the President's border security proposal. (6,000 unarmed national
guardsman on two week shifts! Who is he joking!)

Our friends in the Senate first voted to prohibit guest worker visas from
becoming a path to citizenship. Next day they voted to allow visas to be
a path to citizenship.

They voted to require guest workers to have a job in the United States
before they can apply for a green card. (Meaning of guest worker, you
might think) Then they reversed themselves, allowing foreigners to apply
as guest workers even if they have no job!

They voted to make English America's national language, then they gutted
that amendment by passing one making it illegal to "punish" anyone for not
learning English.

Meanwhile Senators Hagel and McCain are screaming for fellow Republicans
to stop calling it amnesty, and Carl Rove is telling Congressman the
President doesn't want to secure the border because "he's afraid it might
inconvenience someone who wants to come to this country for a better
life." (Ally ally in free is the Bush policy!)

Senator Bingaman (D-NM) successfully amended the bill by proposing an
amendment to reduce the number of guest workers from 375,000 to 200,000
per year. Eighteen Republicans vote to keep the number at 325,000!
That's right, eighteen Republicans Senators showed their true colors,
voting to permit 103 million foreign, mostly unskilled, workers, come into
this country in the next twenty years, with or without jobs.

All eighteen must be defeated the next time they face the voter! Along
with the Democrats they voted to destroy America. We can't ever forget

You want names-here they are
Bond (R-MO)
Brownback (R-KS)
Chafee (R-RI)
DeWine (R-OH)
Graham (R-SC)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hagel (R-NE)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lugar (R-IN)
Martinez (R-FL)
McCain (R-AZ)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Salazar (D-CO)
Shelby (R-AL)
Smith (R-OR)
Specter (R-PA)
Stevens (R-AK) .

Every one of these 18 will be targeted for electoral defeat, I promise!

Back to the bill
--As it stands now it will permit 66 million new foreigners to come to our
shores in twenty years, not including those coming illegally. It's still
a national suicide pact!

Senator Kennedy's staff wrote the bill and the Senator is clearly in
charge. Senator Frist has lost all credibility, having been reduced to
a weak puppet of the White House. The President appears to be counting on
Kennedy to get the bill passed. The majority of Republicans will vote
against it.

The good news:
---We're picking up Republicans every day. Friend, thanks to your calls
and visits many Republicans Senators have taken a closer look at the bill.
And Heritage's Robert Rector has been exceptional in his effort to get
the facts to those who will listen. (It is his report that concluded that
the original bill would bring 103 million to our shores in twenty years.)

We can win.

Consider the Isakson amendment, which would have required the border be
secured prior to guest worker being implemented. 45 Senators voted for
this. (55 don't care that millions more illegals will join the invasion
as a result of their vote.)

Also 49 Senators voted to forbid illegal aliens once citizens from filing
for social security for illegal work. (51 don't care that illegal worker
accrued the benefits through a felony-use of forged or stolen card, or
that their vote will bankrupt the system beyond repair.)

My point-we only need 41 votes to stop the bill from going to the floor.
Six weeks ago I couldn't name ten Senators who were with us. Now we have
close to 40. The momentum is with us!! You did it!!

But you can't stop now. So many of you are asking what else you can do-I
promise to come back to you on that-but right now hit the phones as never
before, and focus on the Republicans. The vote is this week!!


Tell the Republicans NO AMNESTY, NO GUEST WORKER-Tell them to get our
borders secured now and prosecute those who break our laws-businesses and
foreigners! Nothing less is acceptable.

It is an outrage that such a bill is even being considered in the Senate
of the United States. It is outrageous that the President refuses to
secure the border. He says we can't secure the border. Well, Mr.
President: a fence in California-one with a 17 mile hole in it-reduced
apprehensions in that sector by 95%. That seems like a mighty good start.

So please stay engaged in this battle. Get back on the phones. We must
stop them from selling out our country.

Thanks for all your hard work. It is paying off!

My best as always,


PS This weekend buy yourself some Dunkin Donuts. The company has
volunteered to use the pilot program to verify all their employees-they
will only hire legal workers!