I just happened to hear Tony Snow on the radio driving tonight. He was saying that illegal aliens crossing the border illegally is identical to someone driving over 55mph on the freeway. In fact he said it was worse, because it shows an even greater disrepect for the law than crossing illegally. Then he went on to say how all these illegals want to become Americans and want to assimilate, how we are too lazy to work jobs in construction, or in meat packing, landscaping, restaurants, etc. He kept saying how great the economy was, mainly becasue of illegals, how we need to embrace the illegals and how it is the American way, and all kinds of B.S.

Now I always knew he was Kool-Aid drinking Bush feet-licking right wing PollyAnna, but his babbling made me want to pull his throat through the radio and knock some sense into him. He was spouting the idea if we don't pander to them, the likes of Hillary and Schumer will end up with the power in this country, totally forgetting we won't even have a country, if all we are after is votes regardless of the long term damage done to our culture, language, traditions and sovereignty.

He made me so pissed, I had to write and see if others have heard this crap from him. Can you believe that, he was berating a caller saying "Well unless you've never broken the speed limit, you have no standing to say anything in regards to aliens crossing over illegally...". What a load of horse crap.