Only time will tell around here, how the illegal aliens in this area are faring, now what the push has begun by federal authorities. and also some state agencies, along with much ado in the news about taking a more stringent approach to handling different aspects of illegal immigration.

Here is what I am seeing here. Shopping has gone way down. I see at least a 60% decrease in the locals in my complex bringing in bags of stuff and even food. I see almost no newer/different cars rolling in and certainly times appear to be quite lean, with MANY of the men simply at home (no jobs?).

Most recently, we have had some take off from their units in the middle of the night and leave ALL of their belongings behind, including food and clothing.

I do think Christmas will tell me how things really are, although I beleive many still will raid the local charities as I saw them do last year (saw them rolling in with many bags and boxes of food and toys from them, most marked obviously on the outside), as well as their own massive shopping at Walmart and K-Mart. If we do not see too much activity, it could be telling us that there is less expendable income and jobs might just be drying up for them.

Let's all keep tabs locally. What I am seeing right now tells me we are heading in the right direction. Tell me all, what you are noticing across OUR nation?