I usually make a trip between Northern and Southern California every 3 months to get my grandmother fix. This trip was to pick up my grandkids to vacation with me.

Friday traveling down I-5 I passed a National Guard caravan. I stopped at my normal food and gas stop just before going over the Grapevine and was surprised at the commotion going on as I watched two agents walk out of a restaurant and head for a huge bus.

Monday as I was returning on I-15 North, we started spotting white cars with a hugh green emblem painted on them parked at sponts along side the highway watching traffic. As we got to the top of a grade at what I guess is the Border Patrol checkpoint we realized they were BP cars. The checkpoint was full of these vehicles with a lot of Border Patrol agents standing around.

I am not sure what is going on, but I have never seen this many Border Patrol agents on our roads.