Though it has been stated here before, it bears repeating just what the problem is:

the problem is: YOU, the American who believes in Elected Government, Constitutional Rights, and your country.

You did not think you were the problem. You got up, went to work, tried to work hard, tried to be honest, tried to do the right things, tried to follow the rules.

For around 100 years, the rich and super-rich have hired just about every kind of expert to convince you, the American Voter, that you needed to give up your rights.

But the problem is: You just wouldn't listen.

Most of the very wealthy control huge amounts of capital. That is obvious. What is less obvious is that their abilitly to increase their own wealth, and their own being kept down.

You ---> the Average American ---> are keeping the SuperRich down.

In Latin America, In Eastern Europe, in China, most of the other workers of the world have learned to unite in misery, by not having any rights.

They do not have the right against self incrimination

They do not have the right to participate in meaningful elections

They do not have the right to petition for a redress of grievances

They do not have the right to Free Speech

They do not have the right to strike

They do not have the right to private property

They do not have the ability to accumulate wealth

The Tactics of Bush (& his handlers) are designed to INCREASE political and economic INSTABILITY into the U.S.

That can only be done by ERASING the Borders of the U.S.

That seems like such a proposterous idea.

It sounds so far fetched.

It seems totally incomprehensible.

But lets look at what the Senators and Congressmen are doing:

When we think about it from the point of view of the USA WITH BORDERS, their legislation makes No Sense.


IF - IF THAT WERE THE CASE - Wouldn't it make sense, to be the "FIRST" Senator to have proposed that all the New Members of this new nation of MERGED CANADA and MEXICO and the USA...would be able to SHARE the benefits of being an American ?

All Politics is Local...but the "local" area that many of these American Politicians are looking to...are not the 20 Million Illegals...but rather to the

Both Mexico AND Canada are already run by Private Multinational Corporations controlled by the very few.

Canadians do not have a Constitutional right to private property. What is more, they only have the right to the topsoil of their property. The Canadian State - the GOVERNMENT - owns all of the subsurface rights, mineral rights, water rights, etc. Mexicans have no rights at all. In theory they do have some, but in practice they don't and they are plagued by social, economic and political instability. The Mexicans have no recourse to the courts, and are in every sense a Narco-State. However, a Major percentage of the Mexican economy is controlled by Multinational corporations.

Canada is controlled by an economic oligarchy, while Mexico is controlled by a Political Oligarchy. Both of those countries have one thing in common:

The ABSENCE of rights for their citizens

THe U.S. not only could close its borders, but it could grow its own food. It could feed itself and impose tariffs on nations that traffic in slave labor.

In that way, the rights and the jobs and the wealth of average Americans would be protected.

But then, that would have a bad side-effect: It would limit the ability of the Super-Rich (and Multinational Corporations) to get richer and to make even more money.

So a different solution was found:

1) export the industrial base of the USA to other nations,
2) to give the elites of other countries the chance to enrich themselves,
3) and - to destroy the middle class of the USA.

That job is hard, but most of these groups have a long practice of ALREADY doing this other countries.

So it seems the Politicians are selling us out...once again ...and BUSH is leading the way.