
While Donald Trump has engaged in lustful bar-room talk regarding an attractive woman, Arianne Zucker, let us not forget that Hillary Clinton has not only spewed degrading speech about a number of women, but has actually attacked, smeared and threatened them for talking about Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults upon them, e.g., see Hillary Clinton Is Not a Feminist

”Hillary Clinton claims to be pro-women, yet has actively worked to ruin lives of so many of them. She’s running on a “feminist platform” — she’s even dared to say that sexual-assault survivors have a “right to be believed” — despite the fact that what she did to the women who accused Bill went far beyond not believing them.

She attacked them.”

In a few weeks the American people will decide who will be our next president. While there is enough smut surrounding both Clinton and Trump, let us not forget the coming election will determine the fate of our country.

Do we want to continue importing the poverty stricken populations of other countries into our country which drives down earned wages for American citizens and creates unemployment [Hillary’s plan], or do we want to secure our borders and regulate immigration into America in a manner which promotes the best interests of American citizens [Trump’s plan]?

Do we want to increase the flow of Syrian “refugees” into America by 550 percent when vetting them is problematic at this point in time [Hillary’s plan], or do we temporarily halt immigration from war torn Islamic controlled countries until we can figure out a way to more effectively vet these “refugees” [Trump’s plan]?

Do we want to continue making destructive trade deals such as the NAFTA which promote the interests of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation and are not in America’s best interests [Hillary’s plan], or do we want to negotiate trade deals which promote an America first trade policy and are in the best interests of America’s labor force [Trump’s plan]?

Do we want to continue with Obama’s federal takeover of our nation’s health-care delivery system [Hillary Clinton’s plan], or do we want to repeal and replace Obama / Hillary care with a free market competitive system in which people will be able to exercise their unalienable right to choose their doctors and health insurance needs [Trump’s plan]?

Do we want two or three more Justices put on our Supreme Court who will engage in judicial tyranny and advance their personal views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice as the Supreme Law of the land [Hillary’s plan], or do we want judges and Justices appointed who will be faithful to their oath of office and support and defend the text and documented “legislative intent” of our Constitution [Trump’s plan]?

Indeed, while both Hillary and Donald have displayed a number of undesirable characteristics including those offensive to women, we ought to be focusing on the bigger picture which are the promised policies of each candidate should they become our next president ___ policies which will actually affect the common defense and general welfare of our country. Unfortunately, this is what our Fifth Column news media personalities are determined to avoid discussing, and this ought to sound the alarm among American citizens regardless of their political party affiliation. The future of our country hangs in the balance!


A nation of people made dependent upon government for their subsistence, is a nation doomed to being enslaved by the iron-fist which feeds them.