Dear james:

Today I voted against the largest spending bill in the history of the United States Congress. This bill violated House rules, was crafted in secret by unelected Democrat staff, and gave the American people only 15 hours to read nearly 1,500 pages. All so Speaker Pelosi could make her trip to Italy.

This bill is also full of pet projects and wasteful spending. How does $300 million for golf carts help stimulate the economy? Economists from around the country have said this bill will do nothing to stimulate the economy and it's easy to see why.

In just 18 legislative days, this Congress has spent over $1.1 trillion dollars and vastly expanded the federal government. For the rest of the 111th Congress, I will continue fighting to protect the American economy and your hard earned tax dollars from the free-spending Democrat majority.


John Culberson
Member of Congress