
Illegal aliens break the law and they are rewarded. U.S. citizens break the law and they go to jail. ...if illegals cross the border illegally they get to stay and reap the benefits of being illegal. More benefits than if they were legal.
...the get to use stolen or fraudulent Social Security card and Ids. They get to draw social security on those stolen card and the victims cannot. ...illegal aliens are victims when they are jail for criminal activities.
..if They give America lots of anchor babies they get to remain in U.S. reap benefits and cannot be deported. If Americans have babies they are labeled as “Ripping off the Government.”
...illegals do not have to ID themself as being illegal or legal but U.S. citizens have to show proof of citizenship for every thing they do.
...illegals can pay a $2,000 fine over a period of 10 years, which is no fine, and given legal status of amnesty. The reward is they get to remain here working and reaping all the benefits of legal status while waiting to be given amnesty.Where is the punishment for breaking all of our immigration laws? There is none.
...a guest workers program with a path to citizenship? With 30 million illegal aliens here why do we need a guest workers program each years.?
..American citizens obey and enforce the law and they go to jail. (Two border patrol agents)
...if American citizens protect their property against illegals , they could be sued for causing Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome to the illegals and can take the citizen’s property.
Illegals have the right to break laws, steal from U.S. citizens and are supported by U.S. government, and Mexico’s government, ACLU, civil right and Hispanic rights organizations, law enforcers and our legal system.
Our rights are slowly being taken away and given to illegals .