It figures... ... nt-3080214

Paul - November 3rd, 2009 at 10:52 am PST

I worked for Intergraph Corp and was laid off for H-1B’s to get a job. My foreign supervisors were flooding the development operations with Chinese Nationals including ones we Americans on the project were reasonably sure were spies.

The US Navy faced with a serious problem in the cost of production of US Warships hired Intergraph Corp in Madison, Alabama to write advanced production control software for the building of LPD-17 through LPD 25. LPD-24 and LPD-25 were damaged by Katrina when it landed on the Avondale shipyard in Louisiana. The rest of the series is completed. We did a DAMN good job on the software. We cut the cost of a warship by $4 Billion a ship. We cut the production time from something like 7 years to about 10 months. Some accomplishment for a team of just 36 persons! Especially because the savings was actually achieved in the most part by a team of 4 persons of which I was one. Not bad for a new BSCS Grad.

We also hired the Chinese to design the software which they pirated. When the project shifted from accelerated development into ship production the maintainance of the process was given entirely to Chinese and Indian nationals under management by French and Dutch managers. The software was pirated to China. The detailed design information most definitely was compromised (stolen!) How would you feel when confidential US Government data is held in a lab where the foreigners are not even allowed in without an escort and the management and nearly all of the staff is in fact foreign? Of course the control was not in American hands. They laid off the Americans! This is what China stole in order to be able to absolutely know inside and out how our warships worked. They were in on their very most basic design.

I was there! This is the damn H-1B program at its brilliant best! For the Congress critters. They sold us down the river. For the President does the word TREASON come to mind? Its damn hard to keep the cows in when the barn door is ripped off. For our governmental idiots, if you get us all killed because you leave our secrets in the hands of people who do not have common citizenship with us these Chinese nukes will fry you just as dead as they will fry me. You can’t collect your pension after you have been blasted to plasma. It won’t matter
what your GS number is then. Same message to our fine company management…!

To be painfully blunt this globalism has no loyalty to the USA. It is infact a bigoted racist position against the USA.

My problem is I was there. I cared.

Paul Noel