Vote NO on the DREAM ACT because it is only AMNESTY in disguised and a NIGHTMARE for American citizens.
What part of NO do they no understand.
NO amnesty in any form ever.

Now, all that is required to become a citizen of this country is to bring your child into this country and enroll them in school. If all the students of illegal aliens in this country are given citizenship the next step will be citizenship for their parents and other members of the family.

Pro-illegal immigrants will try anything in order to give citizenship to illegal aliens.


We need to remind our Representatives what their jobs description is and who put them in office and why.
They are to make laws, see that they are enforced and that those laws are to make this country better for us and our children.
They work for us, we hire them and pay their salaries and we can fire them.
Not citizens of other countries who are here illegally by breaking all our immigration laws that they made.

If they were employees of corporations they would be fired without notice and without severance pay.