Posted by The Right Scoop on
Dec 7, 2015 at 9:45 PM

By The Right Scoop

Mark Levin spent a short amount of time addressing something that he will address more tomorrow in a new column at Conservative Review, and that is Rubio’s recent dishonest and absurd attacks on Ted Cruz.

Here’s part of what he said:

But what’s bothering me now is the guy’s not running on his record in the Senate; he’s not running on his positions. Back in Iowa and perhaps New Hampshire he is a fortune, or his PAC is, trashing and lying about Ted Cruz’s record. And I saw him on FOX again do the same thing, that Cruz is weak on immigration, that Cruz is weak on national security and Cruz is weak on defending Israel – now everybody knows that’s false. So they’re cherry picking votes that took place in the Senate in the omnibus spending bills and so forth and among other things, to make that case.

So they’re going to NOT attack [Cruz] with his actual truthful record but they’re going to pick it to pieces and try and confuse you. And what bothers me about what the Rubio campaign is doing is that’s what liberals do!

Listen to his full comments below:

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