The current administration refuses to address the American citizens’ demands.
A government Of the people... By the people... and For the people.
What is missing here that they do not understand.

Our current administration is at the forefront of human trafficking and the illegal activities that go along with it.

Reward illegal activity?
Is that the new American way?

I propose putting our expensive voting system to a far better use than just common elections for candidates who promise everything and give back only their precious Agenda.

We need to be able to cast our vote on the crucial issues of the country and let the elected officials know not by poll but by voting what we demand.

How many of you have been polled?
Me neither.
Polls are designed to get results in favor of the designer of that poll.

We are not merely farmers in horse and buggy any more. We have evolved to a much more informed nation.

What we lack is our right to be heard and not just through our elected officials or servants.

Vote... it is our RIGHT

Voting on...
Pay raises for elected officials.
They are the only ones I know of who can grant themselves pay raises, which always seems to be a unanimous by-partisan ‘yes’.
Immigration, war, economic issues policy with foreign and domestic welfare etc. should be issues that the American citizens should be included.

American Citizens get off the couch, put down the chips and dip and take our nation BACK.

Dave Powell