More thoughts on illegal immigration
Published: 1/5/2008 12:20 AM
It never ceases to amaze me how naive and gullible people are when it comes to illegal aliens as exemplified in the recent letter by Callie Melton concerning the 287(g) application by the Lake County sheriff's office. She made several erroneous statements which need to be repudiated. Like with most pro-immigration activists, she uses the term "undocumented immigrants" instead of "illegal aliens" as the use of this latter term by these activists would imply that the individuals had done some illegally.

First, she claimed that it will encourage racial profiling. This is typical for these activists. If you cannot argue otherwise, call the person a racist or some other derogatory term.

Secondly, she stated, "very few immigrants actually commit crimes." Nothing can be further from the truth. Illegal aliens have committed a crime first by violating the sovereignty of the United States when they entered this country illegally, and then they continue to violate our laws. These illegal aliens use falsified documentation to obtain jobs or driver's licenses. Has she forgotten about the raid by ICE last year in the Little Village area of Chicago? Then there are those illegal aliens who violate Illinois law by driving without a license or car insurance.

If she was familiar with recent news events, she would have learned that in Oregon, one illegal alien had obtained five different driver's licenses under five different names. In Waukegan recently, an apparent illegal alien was finally arrested for his sixth DUI after having used four different aliases.

She also claimed that communities enforcing immigration laws will experience an overall decline in output. Is she against enforcing immigration laws?

Hopefully, by enforcing our immigration laws, the American taxpayer will not have to subsidize the education and medical expenses of these illegal aliens and their children.

She also made blatant statements that Lake County does not have the resources to detain undocumented immigrants and cannot assure the due process of law and the preservation of human rights. These statements are totally irresponsible and are mentioned by her without any substantiation.

I am hoping that the sheriff will process any illegal alien who has to be incarcerated regardless of the individual's crime. Hopefully, the impact on the community will be fewer illegal aliens.

Let them return to their native countries and take their place in line and enter the United States as legal immigrants and follow our laws.

Larry King
