Criminal stats for illegal immigrants shocking

To the editor,

Here are some facts about illegal immigration:


According to a study and statistics released by Congressman Steve King of Iowa, 12 Americans are murdered every day through violent crime by illegal aliens. Thirteen more Americans are killed each day by drunk illegal alien drivers. That puts the death toll for illegal aliens killing Americans at 25 a day, and 2,525 and counting this year.

The study also shows eight American children are sexually abused by illegal aliens each day. That's 808 and counting this year. The Violent Crimes Institute of Atlanta estimates there are over 240,000 illegal immigrant sex offenders in the United States who have had an average of four victims each.

The Manhattan Institute states that 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide target illegal aliens and two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants are for illegal aliens.

A 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office studied 55,322 illegal aliens incarcerated in federal, state and local facilities in 2003. They found an average eight arrests and 13 offenses each. A study released this week by the Heritage Foundation states that illegal immigrants receive over $22,000 more than what they contribute in taxpayer-funded benefits each year.

These terrifying facts are still not enough to convince some people drastic and immediate action must be taken to eliminate this threat to our families' safety. I say we will come out ahead if we pay them all $22,000 a year to stay in their own country. So far this year, 808 children would not have been raped and 2,525 Americans would still be alive.

Daniel A. Randolph

Citadel Court

Rockvale ... 70305/1014