Voter ID bill likely to become law in Texas
Reported by: Kensey Henderson
Last Update: 3/08 2:01 pm

Those opposed to the voter ID measure, mostly Democrats, say forcing Texans to show a valid I.D. at the polls will keep many citizens from voting. They say this group includes the elderly, the poor and certain minority groups.

Supporters say it's an ideal way to cut down on fraud.

"Lots of states have been going to it for the last several years and I think it's just a ripple effect from other states," says Lubbock County elections administrator Dorothy Kennedy. "There has been some situations of voter fraud in other counties and things, so I think it's been something they've been waiting to do."

The bill would require educating the public about the changes, with individual counties sending out notifications.

"Senate bill 14 seems to show the smallest amount of money that the county would have to be out, it has the lowest cost to the county out of some of the other ones we've seen," says Kennedy.

Accepted forms of I.D. include a driver's license, state I.D. card, military I.D., concealed handgun license, passport or citizenship I.D. to vote. District 84 representative John Frullo supports the bill and says it's important to take identity fraud into consideration, especially in close elections.

"It protects the sanctity of the ballot box," says Frullo. "That's what the great state of Texas and United States is built upon, is us being able to have fair elections and this prevents manipulation of the elections."

If the bill passes the secretary of state will provide information to counties to pass on to their residents. ... fL2iQ.cspx