We have a lot of new people and there is a lot of stuff going on and happening very quickly. Please take the time to make sure you are posting correctly.

New Posts:

Make sure you are posting under the right heading. In the past week there have been both pictures and polls posted in the General Discussion area and I believe one news article posted in the Picture area. Please provide a link to the news articles. It gives your posting more credibility and some of us may use the article you post in other forums. So having the link makes things much easier.

Multiple Posts:

Multiple posts on the same item wastes time. Please, as a minimum check the list of "Current Group Discussions" on the left side of the page to see if the article has already been posted. I'd also suggest that you check over the posts for the last day in the appropriate category to also check if the article has already been posted.

Lastly, make sure you are following the rules.