Here is W's alert from announcements.

Friends of ALIPAC:

The "Bad Dream Act" AMNESTY bill S.2205 sported by Senator Dick Durbin may face the first CLOTURE vote this morning or afternoon!

Yesterday, supporters of the bill had illegal aliens and illegal alien supporting groups in DC to push for this. Our DC sources tell us that they are within just a few votes of getting the 60 votes they need to get CLOTURE.

Your key to defeating this bill again, is by focusing your calls, e-mails, and faxes on the members of the US Senate that are up for reelection in 2008.

During the last battle on this legislation, the Amnesty push collapsed 48 hours after ALIPAC directed attention on to these campaigns.

Many great groups are working hard today, and are asking you to call and fax the Senators in DC. We need you to work with ALIPAC on these targets below because we are a PAC (Political Action Committee) and we have the ability to go after the campaigns, whereas many other groups are restricted on this kind of activity.

The Senators that are up for reelection are much more likely to refuse to vote for CLOTURE because the truth is that a super majority (60-80% range) of their likely voters will oppose S. 2205.


1. Contact the DC and Campaign offices of the Senators listed below.

2. Contact them by phone and then follow up with your e-mails and faxes.

3. With each contact, refer to them as "Candidate", instead of "Senator" Example: "Candidate Max Baucus"

Here is the core message

"Hello, I would like to know if Candidate __________ plans to vote for or against CLOTURE, on the Bad Dream Act AMNESTY bill S. 2205? I know that a vast majority of likely voters in the state of ______ oppose this AMNESTY BILL. PLEASE TELL ME IF Candidate _______ plans to stand with the majority, by voting NO on CLOTURE or if Candidate ______ plans to anger the majority of his/her voters, by voting YES on CLOTURE for S. 2205?"

You should keep pressuring campaign and DC staff politely for answers.

Please report any findings on their stances at this link so we can share your info with other activists.


Please contact each listing for each Senator. Ask for the Campaign Manager at the Campaign offices.


Let's roll ALIPAC! Push hard today!