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  1. #1
    Senior Member reptile09's Avatar
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    OBL radicals declare WAR on any attempt to secure the border

    If anyone has any doubt that the radical Open Borders Lobby inside America has confrontation and outright war in mind as part of their agenda in regards to any attempt to secure the border they should watch this video:

    Video from CNN's Lou dobbs Tonight

    RACIST PRO-AZTLAN SEDITIONIST ARMANDO NAVARRO, taxpayer paid "Ethnic Studies" Professor U.C. Riverside:


    "We have the armor. We have the infantry. We have the artillery and we have to combine it under one organized command so we can win an effective, countervailing war against those racists that are trying to continue to discriminate and impede our development as a people."


    "We saw the mobilization of thousands and thousands of high school students spontaneously emerge to the challenge, organize themselves. We've got to continue that mobilization -- you are like the generals that command armies. We're in a state of war."

    [b][i][size=117]"Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die. Through love of having children, we are going to take over.â€

  2. #2
    Senior Member rebellady1964's Avatar
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    It's just so obvious what is going to happen here in America, and soon. It's such a shame that it has come to this point, that our government has let illegal immigration spiral out of control to the point of the illegals declaring war on us, and from inside our country! They play the race card and we all know that it has absolutely NOTHING to do with race, period. It has to do with the ILLEGAL part of this mess and they know it, too. These groups, like the one in the video, have watched America go all to hell and become "politically correct" and they are using that to get what they want This has got to stop going on in our country! We are being invaded, plain and simple, no if's, and's, or but's about it!
    "My ancestors gave their life for America, the least I can do is fight to preserve the rights they died for"

  3. #3
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    It is a tragedy. No doubt and Bush needs to be Impeached just for this if nothing else. He has placed Americans in extreme jeopardy. And he knew it every day of this 5 years in office as he has let us down and allowed our country to be invaded and infiltrated.

    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  4. #4
    Senior Member AmericanElizabeth's Avatar
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    I cannot watch the video, but get the jist of it. They want it all. No matter that we have settled it and built it, and made it all what it is today, they want to now claim it and take it, kind of like looking for a furnished home, all you have to do is to move in. HOW CONVENIENT!!

    What I do not understand is if Mexico has all these resources, then why do the people not make changes and use these resources for their benefit? You know, I bet if a few million of us went down there, took over, made a good government that worked for the people, took control of the resources, and began making Mexico into an industrious and productive nation, they all would come back down there and want it back too!!
    "In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however,the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a Patriot." Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  5. #5
    jcalex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judy
    It is a tragedy. No doubt and Bush needs to be Impeached just for this if nothing else. He has placed Americans in extreme jeopardy. And he knew it every day of this 5 years in office as he has let us down and allowed our country to be invaded and infiltrated.

    "bush" does not care what you or anyone else thinks...Period!!!
    It`s the American people that have "Allowed" him to do as he does,Period!!!
    These "Big Mouth Mexicans" don`t want their own country enough to take it back,how in the hell will thay take America?
    These "Big Mouth Mexicans" are playing right into our hands; Please bring on the Armor I say,and you will be eliminate, Post-Haste.
    This is why we have the "Second Amendment" dumb asses!
    Oh Yeah!!! I forgot to tell you "Big Mouth Mexicans".You brothers and sisters are seeing an image of the "Virgin Marry" on some rock way,way down in southern Mexico.You better leave now,or you wil miss it.

  6. #6
    Senior Member rebellady1964's Avatar
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    AmericanElizabeth wrote:
    They want it all. No matter that we have settled it and built it, and made it all what it is today, they want to now claim it and take it, kind of like looking for a furnished home, all you have to do is to move in. HOW CONVENIENT!
    You could not have said it better or made it any more clear, A.Elizabeth! Everyone wants the American dream that OUR ancestors(both white and black) fought and died for, the American dream that OUR ancestors worked for and built when they built the foundation for this country, yet we are the evil ones according to the Mexican invaders . They all want a freebie, it seems.
    "My ancestors gave their life for America, the least I can do is fight to preserve the rights they died for"

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    thanx for the link, reptile. I haven't seen Lou Dobbs program yet but he seems to be honest on the issue. thanx

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    OBL Radicals declare war

    I think this whole issue is going to escalate as soon as congress modifies HR4437 and Bush aligns his " guest- worker program ". I believe that the only true viable solution to the problem is declaring war on Mexico's corrupt democracy. We need to go in there and fix the Mexican love affair with the drug cartels and teach them the benefits of appropiate distribution of income so they can establish a civilized society. Once their benefits exceeds their burdens, we may then consider a " guest- worker " program but probably won't be needed then. The only stand we need to take is simple. Fix your corrupt dispicable ways of doing business or we'll go in there and do what we did to Iraq. We need to be the ones demanding action from them not the other way around. Beggers don'y have a right to chose last I checked. Let's stop all these nonsense and let the American public decide not Big Business. We need to let Washington know we are fed with their incompetence.

  9. #9
    Senior Member AmericanElizabeth's Avatar
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    Carsan, that is right, they are an uncivilized people. This is one thing my brother pointed out. He said that it seems many if not all of the third world countries are highly uncivilized, and full of corruption. They constantly fight amongst themselves and call Americans "racist", "terrible" people!??....They say how horrible we are, how we are "terrorists" (to quote the Pakistanis), but yet they all want to come here.

    I do not think the Mexican people will ever be able to unite, a lot like many of the smaller African nations. They kill each other in record numbers, but if one of our Border Patrol shoots at one of them, then "Lord forbid". Its ok for a Mexican to kill a Mexican, but if one American kills one of them in self-defense then we are the criminals and animals suddenly.

    My feelings are, BIG FENCE, NO ENTRY, NO GUEST WORKERS and for Heavens sake Americans, vacation in Florida or something, you're just asking to get killed by being in Mexico. I think we need to finish up in Iraq, finish up in Afghanistan, bring our people home, and not even deal with Mexico, and if Mexico makes one wrong move our direction, make sure they will remember us. And...ANY PERSON WITH TRAITORIST RANTINGS HERE THAT TALKS OF WAGING WAR ON US AND OUR GOVERNMENT, GIVE THEM A ONE WAY TICKET MAKE SURE THEY GET ON THAT PLANE AND NOT BE ALLOWED BACK.

    "In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however,the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a Patriot." Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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